Permission denied message when you try to upload your new repository to GitHub from a Windows computer

If you work on a Windows computer and create a new GitHub repository, you can copy the code from the GitHub page to set the remote address and push the existing code to the GitHub server. You may get the following error message: $ git push -u origin master Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not …

Git configuration

If you use 2-factor authentication in GitHub,  generate a 40 character Personal Access Token that you can use as a password to access GitHub repositories. Create a Personal Access Token to use it as password in the Git client Log into GitHub and in the pull down at the upper right select Settings, On the left …

Display the branch structure and other important events in the Git command line interface

To set up the display of the branch structure, tags and pulls in the command line interface first create the following “alias” git config –global alias.lgb “log –graph –pretty=format:’%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%n’ –abbrev-commit –date=relative –branches” To display the branch structure, execute the following “alias” git lgb This will execute the above defined “alias” …

Branching and merging in Git

Branching and Merging are very powerful features in Git. There are may branching strategies, my favorite is well explained at Pick any model you like and stick to it for a while to better understand and evaluate it. If you do not like that try another one. In this model when we start to …

Merging in Git with four panels in Windows

Git is a great repository for small and large projects. It is easy to create and merge branches to separate code for the features you work on. To make merging easier you can use a free 4 panel merging tool, Perforce P4Merge. Download Download the Perforce P4Merge Visual Merge Tool from Select the operating …

How to delete a folder from Git, but not from the local disk

I have accidentally included a folder in my Git repository, that I don’t want to include in source control. I wanted to remove it from the Git index, but not from the local hard drive. The solution is the following command git rm -r –cached myFolder If the folder name contains spaces enclose it in …