sh: remix: command not found

When I tried to refresh Node.js packages, I have received the following error message: sh: remix: command not found The steps described at ERESOLVE could not resolve While resolving: remix-utils@8.1.0 cleared the cache and reinstalled all package versions to satisfy the package dependency requirements.

ETIMEDOUT: connection timed out, read [plugin browser-route-module]

When NPM, the Node Package Manager finds dependency version conflicts, we can help it to solve those by executing the steps described at ERESOLVE could not resolve While resolving: remix-utils@8.1.0 After the package reinstallation, when I tried to run my application, I have received the error message: ETIMEDOUT: connection timed out, read [plugin browser-route-module] I …

ERESOLVE could not resolve While resolving: remix-utils@8.1.0

NPM, the Node Package Manager for Node.js applications and web sites, always tries to find the latest versions of all packages your application can use. If some packages require different versions of the same dependency, an error is displayed, for example: ERESOLVE could not resolve While resolving: remix-utils@8.1.0 To resolve the conflict we will try …

Migrate a Node.js application into a Docker container

To avoid repetition, for overview and language agnostic examples on application migration to containers see Migrate your application into a Docker container Update your application Exclude downloadable libraries Add a Node.js-specific .gitignore file to the root of the Git repository. This is an example of a basic file. Read configuration values from environment variables Node.js …

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename ‘C:\Users\MY_USERNAME\.config\configstore\update-notifier-nodemon.json.3604946166’ -> ‘C:\Users\MY_USERNAME\.config\configstore\update-notifier-nodemon.json’ In case of this error rename the C:\Users\MY_USERNAME\.config\configstore\update-notifier-nodemon.json to update-notifier-nodemon.json.ORIGINAL to allow NPM to use the file name as the target of a rename operation.

Test Socket.IO connectivity

To test the connectivity to the Express Socket.IO server use the following command from a terminal window npx: installed 11 in 4.89s0{“sid”:”vOQHhey-0EYPaAvVAAAA”,”upgrades”:[],”pingInterval”:25000,”pingTimeout”:5000}40 If the return value is 40, in the next 30 seconds the server is listening for new events (pingInterval ms + pingTimeout ms). You can send one with the command42[“EVENT_NAME”, “ATTRIBUTE1”, “ATTRIBUTE2”]

Phaser 3 game sprites are not displayed on iOS, iPad and iPhone

If the Phaser 3 game sprites are not displayed on iOS change the type in the index.js file to type: Phaser.CANVAS In CANVAS mode Phaser cannot set the background color with this.cameras.main.backgroundColor or this.backgroundColor. Set the background color too in the index.js file as seen above.

has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource

When your website calls the Socket.IO backend API from another domain, the browser console displays the error message Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘http://…:3000/’ from origin ‘http://….com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. To enable Cross-origin resource sharing add the code to the top of your Socket.IO …

Uncaught TypeError: _helpers_formUtil__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default.a is not a constructor

When you import a Phaser 3 module and run the Node.js web application the following error is displayed Uncaught TypeError: _helpers_formUtil__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default.a is not a constructor Make sure the imported module and all dependent modules imported by that module has the following class definition format

Creating a multiplayer online card game with Node.js and Phaser 3

As the world is locked down due to the COVID-19 Corona Virus, we are quarantined at home. We miss the company of our families and friends, so online games are the only option to play together. We are going to create an online multiplayer game that can be used for any tabletop gameplay. The frontend …