Migrating Remix web applications to Node 20 and React Router v7

As Upgrading from Remix to React Router states “React Router v7 is the next major version of Remix after v2”. React Router v7 now contains the functionality of @remix-run/node, @remix-run/cloudflare, etc. To upgrade from Remix to React Router 7 Upgrade Node to version 20 React Router v7 requires Node.js version 20 or higher, so at …

Error: Dev server origin not set

We can set up a new Remix web application based on the Getting Started guide at Remix Quick Start We will encounter a few surprises during the setup: We need to allow legacy dependencies during the command:npm i -D @remix-run/dev vite –legacy-peer-deps When we try to run the application, we get the error message: Error: …

TypeError: (0 , _styledEngine.internal_processStyles) is not a function

Node.js packages are constantly updated, and the developers usually test those against the latest versions of other packages. When our application uses older packages, a single package update can cause errors and the application will stop with an error, like TypeError: (0 , _styledEngine.internal_processStyles) is not a function Usually a global update of all Node.js …

The Apply button is disabled in CKAN

If you use CKAN, the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network to manage your Kerbal Space Program 2 (KSP2) mods, you may select the new version of a mod,but the Apply button stays disabled. This happens, when the “max game version” of the mod is lower, than the version of the installed game. As the development of …

macOS Login Items

To access the list of applications that automatically start at login The following table contains the owner of some of the items found in the Allow in background list. Item Used by Required? Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Adobe Acrobat Reader off Chef Software, Inc. Chef off Corsair Memory, Inc Elgado Stream Deck driver Enable it …

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed – JavaScript heap out of memory

When executing Node.js code on the workstation, the process can stop with the PAUSED BEFORE OUT OF MEMORY EXCEPTION. When we stop the execution, the following message appears in the terminal: FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed – JavaScript heap out of memory This can happen for two reasons: Altough Node.js 12 …