ERESOLVE could not resolve

When we try to refresh or install NPM packages there can be version conflicts between packages and the dependency requirements. The error message can vary, but it is similar to npm error code ERESOLVEnpm error ERESOLVE could not resolve To be able to install or refresh NPM packages These steps will most likely successfully reinstall …

Migrating Remix web applications to Node 20 and React Router v7

React Router, written by the Remix team, provides the missing routing services for React applications, used by 7 million websites. Remix propvides other features to make react application development more intuitive by providing The Remix team also added Vite, as it “has risen substantially in popularity, offering a fast dev experience, optimized builds, and a …

Module … has no default export

When a Node.js module import causes the Module … has no default exportorInternal server error: [vite] The requested module ‘…’ does not provide an export named ‘default’ error message, change the import statement, update the function name, and enclose the function name with curly braces: This table contains the old and new function names Old …

Error: Dev server origin not set

We can set up a new Remix web application based on the Getting Started guide at Remix Quick Start We will encounter a few surprises during the setup: We need to allow legacy dependencies during the command:npm i -D @remix-run/dev vite –legacy-peer-deps When we try to run the application, we get the error message: Error: …

TypeError: (0 , _styledEngine.internal_processStyles) is not a function

Node.js packages are constantly updated, and the developers usually test those against the latest versions of other packages. When our application uses older packages, a single package update can cause errors and the application will stop with an error, like TypeError: (0 , _styledEngine.internal_processStyles) is not a function Usually a global update of all Node.js …

The Apply button is disabled in CKAN

If you use CKAN, the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network to manage your Kerbal Space Program 2 (KSP2) mods, you may select the new version of a mod,but the Apply button stays disabled. This happens, when the “max game version” of the mod is lower, than the version of the installed game. As the development of …