To generate the height map of an area of the Earth
Category Archives: Not for home page
Generating height maps with
The site generates height maps and overlay images for Cities: Skylines 2 map creation.
Host the Cities: Skylines map generator locally
There are times when the Cities: Skylines Map Generator at is not available. The free MapBox token expires because of the number of requests it serves. We can host the site ourselves on our workstation and use it any time. Install XAMPP XAMPP is a free web server created by Apache Friends. Download the …
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Create a high resolution overlay image for Cities: Skylines II
The Image Overlay mod for Cities: Skylines 2 allows us to build a city based on real world locations. See Image overlay in Cities: Skylines 2 on how to install and use it. To generate a high resolution overlay image Create the standard resolution overlay image Create a 2560×2560 pixel overlay image matching the height …
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DMV Online Learning and Tests
If you have a testing requirement for your driver’s license (DL), save some time and do it online before visiting a DMV office. Visit ONLINE LEARNING AND TESTS
Signature verification failed, repository.json is not valid
When the Cities: Skylines II mod publishing fails with Syncing WIP mod “…”[L3Error_][6574][4B66][EFB4][0181] Error getting repository metadata for repository mods/cities_skylines_2/…/repo/Windows__Any, got exception: Signature verification failed, repository.json is not validCould not sync WIP mod: Signature verification failed, repository.json is not valid Check the state of your mod The Mod ID The Mod ID is in the …
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Cities: Skylines II Modding Resources
Creating a new mod for Cities: Skylines II
Developer tools To create a new mod for Cities: Skylines 2, first, we need to install the developer tools. Start a new Visual Studio solution Deploy the mod locally for testing To deploy the new mod and activate it in the game To disable the mod To run the game without the local deployment of …
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Decompiling the Cities: Skylines II code
To be able to view the source code code of Cities: Skylines 2, we need a few tools. Visual Studio Visual Studio Community edition is a free IDE to write .NET code in C# and other languages. Decompiler To decompile the game code to the source code, we will use the ILSpy Visual Studio extension. …
How to stop the rain and snow in Cities: Skylines II
The snow makes it hard to see the image overlay in Cities: Skylines II. To stop the rain and snow we can Weather+ mod Temporary change in Developer mode The Override Precipitation setting in Developer Mode is not saved in the city, so every time you open the city, you need to set it again.