Truck customization in Snowrunner

Eventually there will be many options when you customize your trucks in the garage. These are some recommendations. Winch When you get stuck in the mud, the length of the rope is usually more important than the power of the winch motor. Pick the longest rope possible to be able to reach more trees and …

Upgrade the PostgreSQL database cluster

Newer PostgreSQL versions introduce useful functionalities, so it is a great idea to keep our database engines up-to date. In addition if the version of the database engine stays very old, in the future it can be difficult to “catch up” and upgrade the data to the new version. This is the official documentation of …

How to disable image switching by the mouse scroll wheel in IrfanView

IrfanView is a great, free image editing program. One feature can destroy all your work if you keep it enabled. When you rotate the scroll wheel of your mouse and the vertical scroll bar is not visible, the application loads the next image file from the directory. With this, you lose all changes you made …

How to create a free Mapbox access token

Mapbox provides mapping services, and for private individuals many of those services are free. They ask for a credit card number to create a free access token, but they only charge it if the usage is very high, which usually only happens when the token is used for commercial purposes. To avoid credit card charges, …

Migrating from conda to conda-forge for Python package management

Anaconda changed its Term of Use to require payment from companies larger than 200 employees. Many companies are not willing to pay the subscription fees for a software they can substitute. conda-forge is the free, really open source alternative for the conda Python package manager. To migrate your development environment from conda to conda-forge Install …

Type ‘unknown’ is not assignable to type …

TypeScript tries to make sure the variables are always populated with data of the type specified during the variable definition. Issue When the TypeScript compiler thinks a function can return another data type, or “unknown”, “undefined”, “null”, Visual Studio Code displays a warning: type ‘unknown’ is not assignable to type … Solution The solution is …

Host the Cities: Skylines map generator locally

There are times when the Cities: Skylines Map Generator at is not available. The free MapBox token expires because of the number of requests it serves. We can host the site ourselves on our workstation and use it any time. Install XAMPP XAMPP is a free web server created by Apache Friends. Download the …