How to copy an image from Docker Hub to your Docker Registry

Some images on Docker Hub require the acknowledgement of the terms and conditions. This prevents CI/CD pipelines and other automated build systems to pull the image with the error message: error building image: GET…   : UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required; [map[Action:pull Class: Name:store/…  Type:repository]] To solve the problem, we can manually pull the image to our workstation, …

Test Chef cookbooks with Docker containers

Kitchen Dokken is a provisioner to test cookbooks in Docker containers. It is very fast and efficient compared to cloud instances like AWS EC2s, Vagrant boxes, or VMWare virtual machines. Currently, you can only test Linux cookbooks with Kitchen Dokken. To generate a cookbook with the dokken provisioner use the –kitchen option The Kitchen Dokken …

Host the server container in an AWS ECS Fargate cluster

We have already created a Docker image for the server using Nginx. We will create an AWS ECS Fargate cluster in AWS and host the container there. Create an ECR repository for the image Select the Elastic Container Registry Create a new repository Enter a name, enable Tag immutability and Scan on push Select the repository you just …

Deploy a new version of a task in an ECS Fargate cluster

To deploy the new version of a Docker container image and launch new tasks with the new version Build and push the new Docker image Build the new Docker container image Push the new image to ECR (Elastic Container Registry) Create a new revision of the ECS Task Definition Open the ECS section of the …

Build a Docker container image for your application

Create the image A Docker container image is one of the best formats to distribute your application. The container provides an immutable environment, so the application runs the same way on your workstation and on any server. We will use the simple Go application we have created in the Your first Go application post. In …

Docker in Windows 10 via VMware Fusion on a MacBook Pro

To run Windows Docker containers on your Macintosh computer, use the following setup. This will introduce a performance hit, because you run virtualization in virtualization. Besides the usual setup process, you need to enable hypervisor applications to avoid the error Error response from daemon: container … encountered an error during CreateContainer: failure in a Windows …

Turn off the GDPR cookie notification in a dotnet core MVC web application

The dotnet core MVC web application template adds the GDPR cookie acceptance message to the header of the page template. When the site is hosted with HTTP the accept button does not clear the message resulting an infinite loop, when the user cannot log in and the site continuously asks for the acceptance. When the …

How to remove all Docker containers and images from the host

Docker images are stored on the host to launch as fast as possible. The drawback is, Docker can fill the hard drive with unused images. A recent possible bug in Docker caused the accumulation of unused, unreferenced images on the host. To delete all Docker containers and images, use these commands in the terminal Get …

Learn Kubernetes part 3 – Traefik Ingress Controller

In the previous post, Learn Kubernetes part 2 – NGINX Ingress Controller, we have deployed a web application and exposed it via the kubernetes/ingress-nginx ingress controller. In this exercise we will use Traefik, another popular proxy server. Traefik is widely used for multiple reasons: it is easier to configure, can automatically generate and renew SSL …