Create the image
A Docker container image is one of the best formats to distribute your application. The container provides an immutable environment, so the application runs the same way on your workstation and on any server.
We will use the simple Go application we have created in the Your first Go application post. In the main application directory open the text editor and create the Dockerfile
code Dockerfile
We will create a multi-stage build script. The advantage is that the final image is very small, as it only contains the compiled Go application, not the source code, not even the Go compiler. Enter the code
FROM golang:alpine as builder
COPY . /src
RUN go build -o myapp cmd/myapp/*
FROM alpine:3.11.3
COPY --from=builder /src/myapp /app
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/myapp"]
Build the image
docker build -t myapp .
Check the image. myapp should be the image on the top
docker images
The output should be something like this
myapp latest 267e26010d88 2 minutes ago 7.66MB
Run the image to test it.
docker run --rm -it myapp
If you want to run the image with Docker Compose create a compose file
code docker-compose.yml
Enter the code
version: '3'
image: myapp
Run the image in Docker Compose
docker-compose up
The output should be
Creating network “myapp_default” with the default driver
Creating myapp_myapp_1 … done Attaching to myapp_myapp_1
myapp_1 | Application config
myapp_1 | MyPackage running
myapp_myapp_1 exited with code 0
Runt the image in Docker Swarm
Initialize the Docker Swarm
docker swarm init
Run the container in the swarm
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp
The output should be
Creating network myapp_default
Creating service myapp_myapp
Check if the stack is running
docker stack ls
The output should be
myapp 1 Swarm
Check if the service is running
docker service ls
Remove the stack
docker stack rm myapp