NPM, the Node Package Manager for Node.js applications and web sites, always tries to find the latest versions of all packages your application can use. If some packages require different versions of the same dependency, an error is displayed, for example:
ERESOLVE could not resolve While resolving: remix-utils@8.1.0
To resolve the conflict we will try to help NPM to start with a fresh environment. Open a terminal in the root directory of your application and execute these commands:
- Delete the node_modules directory and the package-lock.json file:
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
- Clear the NPM cache:
npm cache clean --force
- On some macOS systems you don’t have enough permissions to access the .npm directory, so execute the command:
sudo chown -R 504:20 "/Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/.npm"
- On some macOS systems you don’t have enough permissions to access the .npm directory, so execute the command:
- Reinstall all NPM packages allowing older versions to satisfy all package dependency requirements:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
After the package reinstallation, when I tried to run my web application, I have received the error message:
ETIMEDOUT: connection timed out, read [plugin browser-route-module]
I have restarted my computer to stop all processes and clear memory caches. See ETIMEDOUT: connection timed out, read [plugin browser-route-module]