Visual Studio 2015 is very slow on Windows 10

When I have upgraded Windows 7 my computer to Windows 10 I have also installed Visual Studio 2015 professional. From the first moment Visual Studio 2015 was very slow. My computer was freezing all the time.

I have read many articles about the slowness of Visual Studio 2015, but I cold not find anything that helped, so I have decided to switch back to Windows 7. Unfortunately after the downgrade process my computer did not boot anymore. Finally I had to reinstall Windows 7 and all my applications. Luckily all my files were on the hard drive, so I did not lose anything.

Since that, I have found the following recommendation at

  • Uncheck [Tools->Options->General->Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance]
  • Uncheck [Use graphics acceleration if available]
  • You can leave [Enable rich client visual experience] checked

Sooner or later I will have to bite the bullet and install Windows 10 again, hopefully by that time Microsoft corrects this very serious problem, or I will try these steps to make it work.


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