Chef file locations

The Chef file and folder locations are different on Linux and Windows machines. This article explains the purpose of each file and the location. Summary Linux Windows Cookbook location /var/chef/cache/cookbooks  C:\chef\cache\cookbooks Chef Client run log /var/log/chef.log First run only C:\chef\chef-client.log Subsequent Chef client runs C:\chef\log\client.log Error log /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out C:\chef\cache\chef-stacktrace.out Ohai output /var/chef/cache/failed-run-data.json C:\chef\cache\failed-run-data.json Recommended location for …

How to rename a TeamCity agent

It is important to keep the TeamCity agent names unique. If you launch a TeamCity agent with a name that is already used by another agent that is connected to the TeamCity server, the new agent will not show up in the Unauthorized agent list. To change the name of an agent, change the “name” value …

DevOps Engineering part 5. – Create an enterprise cookbook

In this exercise we will create a Chef cookbook for a corporation. It will be robust and include all the necessary elements to be used in a large enterprise. If your company already has established standards, as you progress with this tutorial, copy the appropriate file from an existing cookbook. If this is the first …

How to copy files to the clipboard

When you work in the graphical user interface (GUI) of your operating system, and want to copy the contents of a file to the clipboard, you can use the following commands: On OS X run: cat FILE_NAME | pbcopy On Linux run: cat FILE_NAME | xclip On Windows (via Cygwin/Git Bash) run: cat FILE_NAME | clip

Git configuration

If you use 2-factor authentication in GitHub,  generate a 40 character Personal Access Token that you can use as a password to access GitHub repositories. Create a Personal Access Token to use it as password in the Git client Log into GitHub and in the pull down at the upper right select Settings, On the left …