Set up an application to auto-start on macOS

To set up an application to automatically start when the Macintosh computer starts Open Settings Select Users & Groups On the Login Items tab click the lock to enable changes Enter your credentials to unlock the function Click the + sign to add an application to the list Select the application and click the Add button

Using tmux terminal multiplexer

The tmux terminal multiplexer allows us to open multiple terminal windows in the same SSH session and continue the command execution even when we log out of the SSH session. This way we can execute long-running copy commands overnight without keeping the SSH session open. Install tmux On CentOS family Linux yum install tmux To start tmux …

Send Alt-Control-Delete to a Windows server via Remote Desktop

When you log into a Windows server via the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in some cases you need to send the Alt-Control-Delete ( in other notations Alt-Ctrl-Del, Control-Alt-Delete, Ctrl-Alt-Del ) key combination to the remote server. From a Macintosh laptop On a Macintosh laptop press the fn+control+option+delete keys to send Alt-Control-Delete to the server. From a Windows …

`pwd’: No such file or directory – getcwd (Errno::ENOENT)

When you rename a subdirectory under the directory where your Linux or MacOS terminal is open you may get the error message /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/chef-13.4.19/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_download.rb:45:in `pwd’: No such file or directory – getcwd (Errno::ENOENT) You need to refresh the directory cache of the terminal. Go one level higher cd .. Go back to the directory cd MY_DIRECTORY …

Configure the Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox

Enable shared folders on the virtual machines To be able to use shared folders between the host ( your workstation ) and the virtual machine. Start the Ubuntu virtual machine in Virtual Box, Select the virtual machine window on your workstation, In the Devices menu of Virtual Box select Insert Guest Additions CD image… Click the Run button, …

Configure the Windows virtual machine in VirtualBox

Enable shared folders on the virtual machine To be able to use shared folders between the host ( your workstation ) and the Windows virtual machine. Start the Windows virtual machine in VirtualBox, Select the virtual machine window on your workstation, In the Devices menu of VirtualBox select Insert Guest Additions CD image… In the virtual machine start Windows Explorer, …

VirtualBox installation and configuration on Macintosh

Download VirtualBox from and follow the instructions to install it. At the time of writing, this was the section where the installer files were referenced Run the downloaded installer file and accept all default values. The installer starts the application.   Create a virtual machine To create a new virtual machine Download the OS image from the …

Send CTRL-ALT-DELETE to a Windows Virtual Box computer from a Macintosh

When you start a Windows 7 or equivalent server machine, to log in, you need to press CTRL-ALT-DELETE on the keyboard to get the login page. To send Control-Alt-Delete to a Windows virtual machine in Virtual Box from a Macintosh on a Macintosh laptop press the fn – Command  – Delete back  keys on a Macintosh desktop …

Native resolution in Remote Desktop client on MacOSX

When you connect to a Windows computer from your Macintosh workstation the best remote desktop client is the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the Apple Appstore. To configure the remote desktop connection for the best experience Select Native resolution Scale content for Full screen mode To be able to unselect the “Use all monitors checkbox”, …