How to move a window on the Macintosh if the header is not visible

There are times when a window opens on your Mac and the header is out of the screen or hiding behind the Macintosh Toolbar. To show the toolbar Option 1. Click the window to select it, Press Command 1 to switch the window to full-screen mode, Press Command 1 again to exit full-screen mode, The toolbar …

How to verify or generate file checksums

You can verify the checksum of a file with the built-in features of the operating systems On Macintosh and Linux Open the terminal window and execute the commands SHA-256 shasum -a 256 FILE_NAME On Windows CRC32, CRC64, SHA256, SHA1, BLAKE2sp Right-click the file in Windows Explorer and select CRC SHA > * (star) The popup window will …

Bluetooth: Not Available in Sierra on the Macintosh

After software update in Sierra on my Macintosh, my Bluetooth mouse usually stops working. The toolbar displays the Bluetooth not available icon:  When I click it, the “Bluetooth: Not Available” message is displayed. There are two recommended actions we can take to bring Bluetooth back to life. If the first one does not help, try to execute …

Minimum Windows workstation setup to work with Windows servers

If you work on a Mac or Linux workstation and need to script and administer Windows servers, you need a few Windows tools. You can create a Windows Virtual Machine hosted in the free Virtual Box from Oracle or in VMware Fusion. For installation instructions see Install the DevOps development tools on Windows Notepad++ Chocolatey …

Keep multiple versions of applications on Macintosh

Most of the DevOps tools are still in beta versions, many times the new version is not compatible with your existing scripts or have an error that stops your scripts working. To be able to keep multiple versions of the applications and easily switch between them, create symbolic links and point to the version you …

Disable the Caps Lock key on the Macintosh

I am not sure who uses the Caps Lock button anymore. It was important in the age of typewriters to be able to type all uppercase titles without holding the shift key, but these days I don’t remember the last time I needed it. In fact I frequently press it accidentally and prevents me to …

DevOps Engineering part 1. (Mac) – Make your Macintosh easier to use

Enable the right-click To be able the right-click on the mouse Sounds Disable the startup sound To disable the sond during the computer start Enable notifications when external monitors are connected By default notifications are turned off during screen sharing and screen mirroring. This makes screen sharing quieter for the audience, but notifications of arriving …

Your session has timed out. Please try again. Code 5107 in the

To download apps from the Apple Store you need an Apple Id. If the app is free, you may not want to enter credit card information during the registration. If you try to create the Apple Id without the credit card in the App Store application, you may get the following error message: Your session …

How to copy files to the clipboard

When you work in the graphical user interface (GUI) of your operating system, and want to copy the contents of a file to the clipboard, you can use the following commands: On OS X run: cat FILE_NAME | pbcopy On Linux run: cat FILE_NAME | xclip On Windows (via Cygwin/Git Bash) run: cat FILE_NAME | clip

QWERTY Hungarian keyboard on an English Macintosh keyboard

The English characters on the English and Hungarian keyboards are almost at the same place. The exceptions are the Z and Y keys, those are swapped. When you activate the Hungarian keyboard on a Mac with an English keyboard, the Z key will display Y and the Y key will display Z on the screen. …