How to create a slideshow in Drupal 7

To create a slideshow in Drupal 7

Create a Slideshow content

  1. Log into Drupal as administrator
  2. In the top menu select Content and Add content
  3. On the Add Content page select Slideshow
  4. On the Create Slideshow page enter the title of the page, and populate the fields for the images. Click the Choose File to upload the image.
  5. Click the Add another item button to add the next image.
  6. Write down the Node ID from the address bar. You will refer to it in the slideshow module,
  7. Click the Save button at the bottom to save the page.

Create a Structure for the slideshow

  1. In the top menu select Structure, and on the page click View,
  2. If there is an existing slideshow with the required settings
    1. Clone it,
    2. Enter a new name for the view,
  3. If you need a new slideshow type
    1. Click the Add view from template link,
    2. Click the add button in the Image Gallery line,
    3. Enter a name for the new view and click the Continue button,
  4. Click the Content: Nid (=) link to select the images uploaded in the content section above,
  5. Enter the Node ID you saw in the address line above and click the Apply button,
  6. To set the block name click the block name link,
  7. Enter a block name,
  8. Click the Save button to save the view.

Add the slideshow to a page

  1. Add the page to the menu, navigate to it, and copy the page address to the clipboard that follows the domain name,
  2. In the main menu select Structure, and on the Structure page select Blocks,
  3. Find the block In the Disabled section and in the drop-down select Content. The block will jump to the Content section,
  4. Find the bock in the Content section and click the configure link,
  5. In the REGION SETTINGS section select Content in the drop-down,
  6. On Pages tab of the Visibility settings section select the Only the listed pages radio button, and enter the address of the page,
  7. On the block configuration page click the Save block button.
  8. On the Blocks page click the Save blocks button.

Edit the slideshow

Log into the site as an administrator

To add or delete pictures

  1. In the upper left corner click the Edit link.

To edit the slideshow settings

  1. Move the mouse above the slideshow,
  2. In the upper right corner click the gear icon,
  3. Select the edit page from the menu.

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