Extract data from JSON with Ruby

Chef uses Ruby as the scripting language. If you need to extract data out from a JSON string you can use the following script # Save the JSON values instance_data_drive_config = ‘{“size”:”500″,”type”:”io1″,”iops”:”15000″}’ # Parse the JSON to a hash data = JSON.parse(instance_data_drive_config) # Declare the variables size = ” type = ” iops = ” …

Microsoft Azure – Storage – Part 5 – Delete blobs with a .NET application

In the prior article of the Microsoft Azure storage series we have downloaded a file (blob) from the container. In this part we will add a method to delete a blob in the Azure storage container. Delete a blob  in the storage container Add the DeleteBlob method to the Azure_Helper Open the Azure_Helper.cs file in …

Microsoft Azure – Storage – Part 4 – Download files with a .NET application

In the third part of the Microsoft Azure Storage series we have extended our .NET application to list the contents of a container.  Today we will add a method to our application to download files from the storage container. Download blobs from the Microsoft Azure storage Create the DownloadFile method in the Azure Helper Open …

Microsoft Azure – Storage – Part 3 – List the contents of the container with a .NET application

In the second part of the Azure Storage series we have developed a .Net application that can create a Microsoft Azure storage  container and upload files into it. Today we will extend the functionality of our application to list the files in the container. List the files in the container First let’s create a class …

Microsoft Azure – Storage – Part 2 – Upload files with a .NET application

In the first part of the Azure Storage series we have created a Microsoft Azure storage in the “cloud”. Now we will create a C# application to upload, list and download files. Create a Blank  Solution In the File menu select New -> Project… Add a new Console Application project to the solution In the …

Microsoft Azure – Storage – Part 1 – Getting started

Sign up for Microsoft Azure To create a Microsoft Azure storage account first create a Microsoft Azure account. If you are an MSDN subscriber you may open an account without using a credit card and limit your usage to the MSDN provided $150 free monthly allowance. Once you created your Microsoft Azure account open the …