Using the Apple Xcode development environment

View two files side-by-side Open the Project Navigator Click the first file in the Navigator Option-Click the second file in the Navigator The two files are displayed next to each other, so you can compare them and copy code between them. Using tabs In the Apple Xcode IDE you can use tabs to quickly switch …

Create an iPhone, iPod or iPad app – Part 4 – Deploy the app to an Apple device

In the prior parts of the series we have created a simple iOS application and tested it in the iOS Simulator. The real gratification comes when we can see our own app on a real device, an iPhone, iPod or iPad. In this article we will deploy the app to an Apple device. Get an …

Create an iPhone, iPod or iPad app – Part 3 – Make it work

In this article we will make our application work. We already created a simple application and added a Text field, a Label and a Button to the view. We created connections between the user interface elements and the View Controller. To make more room to work, close the Utilities area by clicking the Utilities button …

Create an iPhone, iPod or iPad app – Part 2 – Adding User Interface elements

Add user interface elements to the view Open the MainStoryboard.storyboard file in the project navigator Open the Utilities area by clicking the right most view button in the upper right corner of the screen In the Library selector bar of the Utilities area select the object library From the list drag a Text Field, a …

Create an iPhone, iPod or iPad app – Part 1 – Getting started

As of the writing of this article to create iOS apps for iPhone, iPod and iPad you need a Macintosh computer with the Lion (Mac OS X 10.7),  Mountain Lion (Mac OS X 10.8) or later operating system. Check the hardware requirements of Lion and Mountain Lion if you need to upgrade you computer from Snow …