Change the AWS account to launch instances with Chef Test Kitchen

The Chef SDK contains Test Kitchen, that can launch server instances to test your Chef cookbooks. Test Kitchen uses the “chef_zero” provisioner to use your workstation as the virtual Chef server.

To switch Test Kitchen to launch instances in another AWS account

  1. In the .kitchen.yml file update the
    1. availability_zone
    2. subnet_id
    3. aws_ssh_key_id (if different in each account)
    4. security_group_ids. Make sure the management ports are open:
      1. for Linux: port 22 for SSH, or
      2. for Windows: port 5985 – 5986 for WinRM and port 3389 for Remote Desktop
    5. ssh_key (if different in each account)
  2. In the default.rb attribute file update the
    1. …[‘aws_profile’]
  3. In the ~/.aws/credentials file update the
    1. [default] section

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