Unable to satisfy the following requirements error message in Chef Test Kitchen

When Berkshelf in the Chef Test Kitchen cannot resolve the cookbook dependencies, it displays the following error message during converge: Unable to satisfy the following requirements To help Berks to start a fresh calculation, delete the Berksfile.lock file and enter the following into the command window: berks install

DevOps Engineering part 2. – Create and test your first cookbook in 5 minutes

In the first part of the series, Beginner’s Guide to DevOps Engineering Part 1. we have already installed the DevOps development tools. Create and test your first cookbook in 5 minutes  Set up the Chef working folder Create a folder for the Chef development on Mac ~/Chef on Windows C:\Chef In the Chef folder create a sub-folder …

Beginner’s Guide to DevOps Engineering part 1.

DevOps engineering (Release engineering) is a relatively new profession. There is a very high demand for experienced DevOps engineers, because more and more large corporations want to migrate their data centers into the Cloud. In this series I will introduce you to the tools of the trade through the development of a Chef cookbook. The …

How can I tell if a Chef cookbook is frozen

If a Chef cookbook is “frozen”, the cookbook is protected against accidental overwrite. When someone tries to overwrite it the “Version … of cookbook COOKBOOK_NAME is frozen. Use –force to override” message appears. To check if a Chef cookbook is frozen on the Chef server execute the following command knife cookbook show COOKBOOK_NAME latest | grep …

REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED warning when you try to connect to a server with ssh

If you work in the AWS environment and  launch and terminate servers frequently the same IP is reused many times. When you try to connect to a new server with SSH and the IP address is already in the known_hosts file you will get the following error message. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! …

SSL certificate is missing after installing ChefDK

When you install a new version of ChefDK and try to run Test Kitchen converge you may get the following error message >>>>>> ——Exception——- >>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed >>>>>> Message: Failed to complete #create action: [SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed To solve the problem add the following to the Windows …

Winrm is missing after installing ChefDK

When you install the new version of ChefDK you may get the following error message when you try to run Test Kitchen !!!!!! The `winrm` gem is missing and must be installed or cannot be properly activated. Run `gem install winrm –version ‘[“~> 1.6”]’` or add the following to your Gemfile if you are using …

Berkshelf is missing after installing ChefDK

When you install a new version of ChefDK and try to run Test Kitchen the following error message may appear !!!!!! The `berkshelf’ gem is missing and must be installed or cannot be properly activated. Run `gem install berkshelf` or add the following to your Gemfile if you are using Bundler: `gem ‘berkshelf’`. To reinstall …