Text Editor
Notepad ++
Install a good text editor. If you do not have a favorite, I recommend Notepad ++
- Download it from https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
Configure Notepad ++
Tab settings
- In the Settings menu select Preferences
- In the Language section set the Tab size to 2 and select Replace by space
Visual Studio Code
For Git installation and configuration see Install Git on Windows
To automatically pretty print JSON responses in Chrome
- Install the JSON Formatter Chrome extension by: callumlocke.co.uk from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-formatter/bcjindcccaagfpapjjmafapmmgkkhgoa?hl=en
To install Make to be able to run it in the Git Bash (MINGW64) window
- Navigate the ezwinports at https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezwinports/files/
- Download the make-4.4.1-without-guile-w32-bin.zip or newer archive (make sure you select the version “without-guile”),
- Extract the zip archive in a temporary location,
- Copy the contents to the C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64 directory, merging into the existing folders, but do NOT overwrite or replace any existing files.
To be able to work with Amazon Web Services install the AWS CLI
- Navigate to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html
- Expand the Windows section
- Download and install the recommended .msi file
- Restart the terminal for the PATH change to take effect
Configure the AWS CLI
This process with create the ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config files
- In the terminal execute
aws configure
- Enter the aws key, aws secret key, and specify the default region and response format (usually json is used)