Install software development tools on Windows

Text Editor

Notepad ++

Install a good text editor. If you do not have a favorite, I recommend Notepad ++

Configure Notepad ++

Tab settings

  • In the Settings menu select Preferences
  • In the Language section set the Tab size to 2 and select Replace by space

Visual Studio Code

Configure Visual Studio Code


For Git installation and configuration see Install Git on Windows


To automatically pretty print JSON responses in Chrome


To install Make to be able to run it in the Git Bash (MINGW64) window

  1. Navigate the ezwinports at
  2. Download the or newer archive (make sure you select the version “without-guile”),
  3. Extract the zip archive in a temporary location,
  4. Copy the contents to the C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64 directory, merging into the existing folders, but do NOT overwrite or replace any existing files.


To be able to work with Amazon Web Services install the AWS CLI

Configure the AWS CLI

This process with create the ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config files

  • In the terminal execute
    aws configure
  • Enter the aws key, aws secret key, and specify the default region and response format (usually json is used)

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