- Download iTerm2 from https://www.iterm2.com/downloads.html
- Double click the downloaded ZIP file to extract the application,
- Move the iTerm application to Applications.
iTerm2 configuration
Install Oh My Zsh
Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.
- Install it with
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
More info at https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh
Use .bashrc for configuration
When you start iTerm, it reads its own config file, ~/.zshrc To keep using the standard ~/.bashrc config file
- Add this to the end of the ~/.zshrc file:
source ~/.bashrc
Enable unlimited scroll back
- Start iTerm2 and open the preferences window by pressing ⌘, (command-comma)
- On the Profiles, Terminal tab click the Unlimited scrollback check box.
Set the highlight color
By default the highlighted text just a little different from the rest. When we search for something, it is hard to notice the found text.

To change the highlighted text color
- Start iTerm
- In the iTemr2 menu select Preferences…
- On the Profiles, Colors tab set the color of the Selection to red, and Selected Text to black.
To start iTerm2 from Finder
This is configured automatically when you install iTerm:
- Open Finder and navigate to the location you want to work in,
- Right click a folder to work in that folder or a file to work in the current folder
- Select Services, iTerm2 in Finder

Meslo Powerline font
- Import the Meslo Powerline font with the following bash command:
git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts.git && cd fonts && ./install.sh
- Select the font in iTerm2
- Press ⌘, (command-comma) to open the Preferences window
- Select Profiles
- On the Font section of the Text tab click the Change Font button
- Select the “Meslo LG L for Powerline”, “Regular”, “12pt”
Make the prompt shorter
to remove your username@computername from the prompt
- Edit the ~/.bashrc file
- Add the following line
Colored prompt
To color the prompt:
- Make sure Oh My Zsh is installed as described above
- Edit the ~/.bashrc file and set the ZSH_THEME to ZSH_THEME=”agnoster”
More configuration suggestions are at
Information on how terminals read settings at https://shreevatsa.wordpress.com/2008/03/30/zshbash-startup-files-loading-order-bashrc-zshrc-etc/
Not necessary anymore, for reference only
Set case-insensitive tab completion. This is the default, not necessary.
Add these lines to the ~/.zshrc file
# Set case insensitive comparison when lower case letters are typed.
# Upper case typed letters only match upper case file names
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}'
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
“Solarized” color scheme is already installed, these steps are not necessary anymore
- Download the color scheme to the Desktop with the following Bash command:
curl -o ~/Desktop/solarized.itermcolors https://raw.githubusercontent.com/altercation/solarized/master/iterm2-colors-solarized/Solarized%20Dark.itermcolors
- Import the color scheme to iTerm2
- Press ⌘, (command-comma) to open the Preferences window
- Select Profiles
- In the lower right corner of the Colors tab click the Color Presets… drop down
- Select Import…
- On the Desktop select the downloaded solarized.itermcolors file
- In the Color Presets… drop down select Solarized Dark
Hi, i run c, c++ and java in vim(iTerm2) or emacs, the problem I have is that none of the codes wait for user input then necessery, it doesn’t happen in IDEs. I cannot find answer to this problem. Can you help…
Hi Rob,
I personally never experienced this, maybe someone has a suggestion…