Build a Docker container image for your application

Create the image A Docker container image is one of the best formats to distribute your application. The container provides an immutable environment, so the application runs the same way on your workstation and on any server. We will use the simple Go application we have created in the Your first Go application post. In …

Could not create an instance of type ‘Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext’

The new version of dotnet core cannot handle the HttpContext in the MVC model. An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. System.InvalidOperationException: Could not create an instance of type ‘Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext’. Model bound complex types must not be abstract or value types and must have a parameterless constructor. Alternatively, set the ‘HttpContext’ property to …

Error: Failed to instantiate provider “aws” to obtain schema: Incompatible API version with plugin. Plugin version: 4, Client versions: [5]

When a provider has been updated outside of Terraform, (for example in Terraformer) Terraform can get out of sync with that provider version. terraform init works, but terraform plan throws the error message: Error: Failed to instantiate provider “aws” to obtain schema: Incompatible API version with plugin. Plugin version: 4, Client versions: [5] To update …

Cities: Skylines game frequently crashes

The Cities: Skylines game keeps objects in memory even if the object is not used. Even a 16GB system can crash frequently if the memory usage is not managed. “Oops! The game crashed The memory usage is high, even when the map is not too complex. Enable enough Virtual Memory Make sure Windows has enough …

Docker in Windows 10 via VMware Fusion on a MacBook Pro

To run Windows Docker containers on your Macintosh computer, use the following setup. This will introduce a performance hit, because you run virtualization in virtualization. Besides the usual setup process, you need to enable hypervisor applications to avoid the error Error response from daemon: container … encountered an error during CreateContainer: failure in a Windows …

Turn off the GDPR cookie notification in a dotnet core MVC web application

The dotnet core MVC web application template adds the GDPR cookie acceptance message to the header of the page template. When the site is hosted with HTTP the accept button does not clear the message resulting an infinite loop, when the user cannot log in and the site continuously asks for the acceptance. When the …

Read the database connection string and other secrets from environment variables

It is not good practice to store secrets in the source code repository. The sample C# dotnet core application code stores the database connection string in the appsettings.json file which eventually will be pushed into GitHub. To follow the Twelve-Factor App methodology, store the configuration values in environment variables and load them runtime. This method …