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Category Archives: Not for home page
Troubleshoot stopped containers
The stopped Docker containers are still available for troubleshooting. You can create an image of them and run them as new containers to inspect the log files and execute commands in them. View the standard output of the failed container Run a failing container with a Bash terminal If a container exists with an error …
Splunk troubleshooting
Universal Forwarder SSH into the server running the Universal Forwarder To verify if the forwarding is configured
Docker Swarm overview
Docker Swarm Hierarchy image in the registry container task ( container and the command to run in it ) service ( one or multiple instances of the same task, like multiple copies of the same web API ) stack ( one or multiple services that belong together, like a front end web application, middle tier, …
Install and configure Visual Studio Code
Install Visual Studio Code See Configure Visual Studio Code Start Visual Studio Code from the command line I think this is the most important setting. If anything, this should be enabled. Start Visual Studio Code Open the Command Palette On Mac press Shift, Command, P On Windows press Shift, Control, P Type shell command into …
You must specify a region. You can also configure your region by running “aws configure”.
When we execute an AWS CLI command, we need to supply the AWS Region. If it is not specified, we get the error message: You must specify a region. You can also configure your region by running “aws configure”. We can add the region with the –region command line argument, or store it in the …
Docker commands
Display the Software Bill Of Materials ( the content of the image in table format ) Example: docker sbom nginx To delete all containers, execute docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) To delete all images, execute docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
Supported Golang GOOS and GOARCH combinations
To get the list of supported GOOS (operating system) and GOARCH (architecture) combinations execute go tool dist list To specify the GOOS and GOARCH attributes in the Bash command line, build the Golang application with GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -o MY_APP cmd/MY_APP/*.go
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
I have built a Docker container with a Go application that used the Go AWS SDK. When my program tried to access an S3 bucket I got the error message RequestError: send request failedcaused by: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority To solve the problem I had to add the following line to …
Continue reading “x509: certificate signed by unknown authority”
Docker for Windows cannot start: “Hardware assisted virtualization and data execution protection must be enabled in the BIOS”
To start Docker on Windows, Hyper-V and the Hypervisor has to be enabled on Windows. Start a PowerShell window as administrator Enable Hyper-V dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V /All Enable the Hypervisor bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto Restart the computer