List the Active Directory groups the user is a member of

To list the Active Directory groups where the current user is a member, execute in the PowerShell window To get the Active Directory groups for another user, replace THE_USER_NAME with the Active directory user name of the person. (New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher(“(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=THE_USER_NAME))”)).FindOne().GetDirectoryEntry().memberOf

Debugging Go programs in Atom

To be able to debug Go programs in Atom, make sure the Go IDE is installed. See Install the Go IDE at Install and set up Go To start debugging select the Debugger tab in the upper right corner of Atom If you get the error message: The debugger is not attached, and when you click Attach debugger …

Using Go packages

To use a public package in your Go application add the line to the top of your program to import the package import “″ If this is the first time you are using the package, the error message appears in the output window of Atom when you save the file cannot find package “” in …

Your first Go application

Programming in GO is quick and fun. You can write a working, compiled application with a few lines of code. In this example, we will use Visual Studio Code to edit the source code, and we have already configured it to start from the command line with the “code” command. Write your first Go application Create …

Set directory access in Windows

When you use SetAccessRule() to set access rights on a Windows directory, the user who will get the permission has to be a member of the Administrators group. If the user is not a member of the Administrators group PowerShell shows the error message Exception calling “SetAccessRule” with “1” argument(s): “Some or all identity references could not be …

Install and set up Go

Set up the Go development environment Install Git For Mac see Install Git on Macintosh For Windows see Install Git on Windows Install the Go Programming Language Download the Go distribution from The Go Programming Language page and follow the installation instructions. Test the Go installation Open a new terminal window, so the new PATH settings are imported, …

Install Git on Macintosh

Navigate to to download Git for the Macintosh. The page automatically downloads the installer for the operating system you use. This app is not trusted by Apple, so to install it Control-click (right-click) the downloaded file and select Open Click the Open button to confirm the action Configure Git To configure Git see Git configuration.

Configure the ASP.NET MVC 5 web application to use an external database for user authentication

When a new ASP.NET web application is created with the authentication set to Individual User Accounts, it automatically creates an SQL Express internal database in the App_Data directory of the application when you register the first user. To create the ASP.NET web application with user authentication see Create an ASP.NET Web Application with user authentication This is sufficient …

Flashing Side Marker Lamps

In the US it is not required to make the turn signals visible from the side of the vehicle. Many cars sold in the US have their front turn signals positioned between the headlights, so those are usually not visible from the side. If another car is next to yours, the other driver cannot see your …