To install the TeamCity agent on a remote computer in the TeamCity UI on the Agents page select the Agent Push tab. Make sure the remote computer is accessible by PSEXEC. See Configure the target server for PSEXEC If the remote server is in the domain, make sure you prefix your username with the domain …
Tag Archives: DevOps
Configure the target server for PSEXEC
PSEXEC is a remote procedure execution tool written by Mark Russinovich at Microsoft and available for download at To use PSEXEC you need to open ports 135 (TCP) and 445 (TCP) on the target computer. Enable the ports in the security group Open the ports inbound in the server’s firewall You also need to …
Make the GantChart Excel template smarter
There is a great, free Excel Gantt chart template on the Vertex42 web site at The free version lacks a few features that could make project planning easier. We can update our version of the template to make it smarter. Make these changes before you start to use the template, because inserting task rows …
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Failed to complete #create action: [You are not authorized to perform this operation
When launching an instance in AWS with Chef Test Kitchen you get the error message >>>>>> Failed to complete #create action: [You are not authorized to perform this operation. Encoded authorization failure message:… Make sure the image does not require the acceptance of the license before you first use it. This applies to Ubuntu, CentOS
Download .NET SDKs for Visual Studio
To download the .NET SDKs for application build and deployment navigate to the Download .NET SDKs for Visual Studio Microsoft web site
Microsoft SQL Server database index fragmentation report
When the first row of long running queries is returned after a long initial wait, check the fragmentation of the indexes. On MSSQL execute this query in the database
Map the host drive in a VMware Fusion Windows virtual machine
Every time I start a PowerShell terminal on my Windows VMware Fusion virtual machine I have to map the host drive of my MacBook Pro. I execute this command in PowerShell:
Remove byte-order mark from the beginning of the file
When a file is saved with BOM (byte-order mark) on a Mac or Linux machine Windows PowerShell cannot execute the script. Unfortunately the “cat” command by default does not show the byte-order mark at the beginning of the file. As Oriol stated below, use cat -A filename to display this extra information. Some editors show …
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Clear the browser cache for one site in Chrome
Some sites do not load properly when old cached data is stored in the web browser. To clear the cached images, cookies and other site related data for one specific site in Chrome We didn’t use the developer tools, but to be able to see the options on the refresh icon we need the tools …
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Find blocking queries in MSSQL
To find queries that block others in Microsoft SQL databases, execute This returns the list of active sessions and indicates what session blocked it. To get the query of a session, execute