Find the AWS AMI that a RightScale server template is using

When you use RightScale to launch servers in the cloud, you want to use the same base image to test your Chef cookbooks in Test Kitchen. Packer by Hashicorp is a utility to create custom server images based on cloud images. You supply the image ID and other configuration parameters to create a new custom image. …

Migrate databases to and from AWS RDS instances

Amazon Web Services do not provide tools to migrate data to, from and between AWS RDS instances. There is a free utility that can do the job. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), because the utility uses libraries from it. Download the installer for free from SQL Azure Migration …

DevOps Engineering part 5. – Create an enterprise cookbook

In this exercise we will create a Chef cookbook for a corporation. It will be robust and include all the necessary elements to be used in a large enterprise. If your company already has established standards, as you progress with this tutorial, copy the appropriate file from an existing cookbook. If this is the first …

DevOps Engineering part 3. – Working with AWS

Personalize your workstation Set up your account in the AWS console If you are not an AWS account administrator, ask your AWS account administrator to do the following for you Create an account in AWS Add the account to the appropriate user group Generate a password with a request to change it at the first login Generate an AWS Access …

Enable file sharing on Windows servers in Amazon Web Services (AWS)

When you create an EC2 instance in Amazon Web Services (AWS) the security group (firewall) blocks all ports that are not explicitly opened. To make file sharing possible on Windows servers, open the following ports in the security group of the server: TCP 139 TCP 445