SnowRunner – Michigan, USA (spoiler)

Black River Location Has Needs Warehouse Bricks (1 unit)Concrete blocks (1 unit)Service spare parts (1 unit)Metal beams (2 unit) Task What From To Notes Contract What From To Notes Pipe Dream Heavy Fuel Tanker Semi-Trailer Bricks x2 (1 unit) Metal Beams x1 (2 units) Garage WarehouseWarehouse FactoryFactoryFactory Fuel trailer notes:When you arrive to the factory …

Water required error message in Cities: Skylines

When we try to create an outside ship connection and the waterway is not deep enough, we get the Water required error message. To be able to create the outside ship connection, temporarily raise the sea level. It will flood your map, but after creating the connection you can lower the sea level, and the …

Tunnels and canals are buried in the Cities: Skylines editor

Cities: Skylines only fully renders the unlocked tiles. Locked (not yet purchased) tiles and all tiles in the editor are not fully rendered to save processor power. When you create a tunnel entrance or a canal, it is buried under earth. Subscribe to the “Common Ground” mod to fully render any number of tiles you …

Cronometer cannot connect to Strava

Cronometer is an app to record food you eat and get a report on the consumed calories and nutrients. It can automatically retrieve exercise information from Strava to calculate the burned calories. For some reason recently we cannot connect to Strava from the Cronometer app. To successfully connect Cronometer to Strava to get exercise information:

Create a Next.js React web site

Next.js is a framework based on React to build a “full stack” dynamic web application with routing and data handling capability. React provides the page components on top of HTML and JavaScript, Next.js routes between pages, and displays and modifies the data in a database. Configure the development environment Create the Next.js web application Create …

Create a React web site

The React framework adds components on top of HTML and JavaScript to create dynamic one-page web applications. It does not have routing and data handling capabilities, to create a full stack web application use Next.js or Remix. Configure the development environment Create the React web site skeleton Create the web site skeleton View the new …