Copy files between Windows and Linux computers

There are many tools to copy files between Windows and Linux computers, I have found this method the simplest. It does not require any software installation on the Windows machine, and only one package installation on the Linux machine. Share a folder on the Windows machine Share a folder on the Windows machine and allow …

Edit the HKEY_CURRENT_USER Windows Registry keys of another user

The user-specific settings in the Windows registry are stored under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key. If you open the Regedit.exe application the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key contains the settings for your user account. To access the registry keys of another user we need to Find the Security ID of the user In Regedit navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\hivelist The key lists the Security IDs and …

delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF’)

When you create a file in a script and use an end of file delimiter, if … cat <<EOF> $chef_dir/attrib.json $json EOF fi and you indent the word EOF to look nicer, you will get the error message warning: here-document at line … delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOF’) STDERR> …: line …: syntax error: unexpected end of file …

Send Alt-Control-Delete to a Windows server via Remote Desktop

When you log into a Windows server via the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in some cases you need to send the Alt-Control-Delete ( in other notations Alt-Ctrl-Del, Control-Alt-Delete, Ctrl-Alt-Del ) key combination to the remote server. From a Macintosh laptop On a Macintosh laptop press the fn+control+option+delete keys to send Alt-Control-Delete to the server. From a Windows …

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No output folder

This error can happen on Linux and Windows, and the cause could be the same. On Windows Server 2012R2 I opened a command prompt. To be able to delete a directory from the Tomcat webapps folder, I have issued the shutdown command. When I started the server with the startup command, and navigated to my local …

Determine the Windows PowerShell version

To reliably display the version of the Windows PowerShell engine Open a PowerShell command window, Execute the command, $PSVersionTable.PSVersion PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion Major Minor Build   Revision —–   —–   ——-  ——- 5       1        16299  64 If no value is displayed, the version is 1.0, as it does not have the referenced …

Enable PowerShell execution in Windows

The default settings of Windows disable the PowerShell script execution. This protects your computer in case a malicious PowerShell script would try to make changes on your machine. The same settings prevent you from executing your own automation scripts too. When we try to execute a PowerShell script we get the error message File ….ps1 …

The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship

Time to time Windows servers may lose the trust of the domain. When you try to log in with your domain credentials you get the dreaded message: The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship This can have many causes, and the most effective way to fix …

Restore Windows Server 2012 R2 from backup

Windows Server contains the Windows Backup functionality. It can create full backups of your server that contain all volumes. With the bare metal recovery, you are able to fully restore the server even if the hard disks fail, after a virus attack, or security breach. Depending on the size of the server drives and the backup media, …