Stop multiple untagged AWS EC2 instances with a Bash script

 List all EC2 instances without a specific tag One day we have found 499 instances running in our account without any tags. Most likely someone accidentally started a process to launch those, so we needed a way to find them and stop them. Later we will terminate them with the same script below when we can make …

“incompatible-network” error when launching an AWS RDS instance

When the AWS subnet has no enough IP addresses Terraform displays the following error message: * aws_db_instance.default: unexpected state ‘incompatible-network’, wanted target ‘available, storage-optimization’. last error: %!s(<nil>) Make sure the subnet has enough available IP addresses.

Docker commands to run popular images

Maven Navigate to the Maven project directory on your workstation and launch the Maven container. To run a Maven project by using the Maven Docker image directly, passing a Maven command to docker run. docker run -it –rm –name my-maven-project -v “$(pwd)”:/usr/src/mymaven -w /usr/src/mymaven maven:3.3-jdk-8 mvn clean install To launch the Maven Docker container and open …

Set up a user to connect to a Linux server with a private-public key pair

To secure a Linux server, disable password authentication on it. This way only those users can connect to it, who have access to an authorized private key. To enable users to connect to a Linux server with a private-public key pair Generate an RSA key pair In a Bash terminal on your workstation execute ssh-keygen Follow …

Install a ZIP web application package with Octopus Deploy

Install the Octopus Tentacle on the application server. Automated Tentacle installation instructions are at (Note for our DevOps team: execute ~/Git/devops-scripts/OctopusDeploy/Tentacle_Installation/install_tentacle.ps1.) Make sure the box registered itself in the Octopus server. On the Deployment Targets tab of the Infrastructure menu enter the server name into the search box. The script already created the Environment and the Role and attached …

Trigger an Octopus Deploy application package installation from TeamCity

Push the package to Octopus Deploy from TeamCity Create project level parameters In TeamCity create the parameters to centralize the configuration of reused values On the project level create a system parameter for the Octopus package name including the build number interpolation Push the artifact to Octopus Deploy Create a build configuration, and on the General Settings page …

The user account does not have permission to run this task

When a Scheduled task is created by another user (or SYSTEM) most of the time only that user can manually trigger the task execution. When you try to execute the scheduled task from the user interface you can get the error message: The user account does not have permission to run this task This error …

Error loading table definition of a PostgreSQL table

When a PostgreSQL table name contains uppercase letters there is no known way to get the table definition SQL script. When we right-click a table name in SQLPro for Postgres, and the column name has an uppercase letter and select Script as, CREATE to, New query window we get the error message /* * Error loading …

Use two GitHub accounts on the same computer

Many developers have multiple GitHub accounts. One for personal projects, and another one for their work or business. There is a way to access multiple accounts simultaneously from the same computer. Only one account at a time can be configured using the HTTP connection, but we can configure the rest of the accounts using SSH. There are …

Change the AWS account to launch instances with Chef Test Kitchen

The Chef SDK contains Test Kitchen, that can launch server instances to test your Chef cookbooks. Test Kitchen uses the “chef_zero” provisioner to use your workstation as the virtual Chef server. To switch Test Kitchen to launch instances in another AWS account In the .kitchen.yml file update the availability_zone subnet_id aws_ssh_key_id (if different in each account) …