Use the knife search command to list nodes that match the provided criteria
Find nodes with a specific cookbook in the run list (runlist)
knife search node 'recipes:MY_COOKBOOK\:\:*'
Find nodes with a specific recipe in the run list (runlist)
knife search node 'recipes:MY_COOKBOOK\:\:MY_RECIPE'
List nodes with a specific OS
All Linux nodes
knife search node "os:linux"
All nodes with Ubuntu OS
knife search node 'platform:ubuntu'
The last time the node successfully executed the run list (checked in)
List the status of all nodes and save it in a file. The columns contain how long ago the node successfully executed the run list, the name of the node, and the operating system.
knife status > nodes.csv
List nodes attached to a specific Policy Group and display the ‘ec2.instance_id’ attribute only
knife search 'policy_group:dev' -a ec2.instance_id
Display all information about a node
knife node show <FQDN> -l
List all nodes and display the Policy Group attribute only
knife search node 'name:*' -a policy_group