“ngrok is a simplified API-first ingress-as-a-service that adds connectivity,
security, and observability to your apps with no code changes”
Create a free ngrok account
- Sign up for a free ngrok account at https://ngrok.com/
Install ngrok
- Download the ngrok application from https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/setup to the Downloads directory
On macOS
- Create the ngrok folder in your user’s opt directory
mkdir ~/opt/ngrok
- Step into the new directory
cd ~/opt/ngrok
- Move the downloaded installer into the new directory. Replace THEVERSION with the version of the downloaded file
mv ~/Downloads/ngrok-vTHEVERSION-stable-darwin-amd64.zip .
- Unzip the ZIP file
unzip ngrok-vTHEVERSION-stable-darwin-amd64.zip
- To be able to start ngrok from any directory, add the binary to the PATH. Add this to your ~/.bashrc file where the rest of the PATH statements are
- IMPORTANT: Restart all your terminals for the PATH change to take effect
Verify the installation
When the terminals have been restarted for the PATH change to take effect
- Test the installation with
ngrok --version
Connect to your ngrok account
- Execute this in the terminal to connect to your ngrok account. Get your authentication token from your setup page at 2. Connect your account
ngrok config add-authtoken