Set the ASUS ROG Strix laptop keyboard key colors one-by-one

For certain games it is very useful to set the keyboard background colors based on their function in the game. You can group keys by color to find them easier during game play. Create the effect The effect contains the color of each key or key group. Open the ARMOURY CRATE preinstalled application On the …

Getting to the Mun and back in Kerbal Space Program 2

Install the recommended mods There are mods for Kerbal Space Program 2 which make space flight much easier. We will not use “cheats”, these mods display the necessary information for easier maneuver node configuration, manual burn execution, and docking. We recommend the following mods: Launch to orbit around Kerbin Mun As the Mun’s orbital plane …

EVA construction in Kerbal Space Program

To attach parts to spacecraft in orbit you can transport the parts in the cargo hold of your vessel, dock to it and do the upgrade. Take a ladder Besides the part, take a mobility enhancer (ladder), so the Kerbal has something to hold on to, and a junior docking port with you to temporarily …

Vékony Pizza

Elegendő 2 nagy pizzához. Hozzávalók 2 vékony nagy, vagy 1 vastag nagy pizzához 175 ml (3/4 bögre) langyos (40-43 °C) víz ( körülbelül 20 másodpercig melegítsük a mikróban ) 1/4 teáskanál cukor 1 teáskanál por élesztő ( 1/2 csomag ) 310 g (2 bögre) finomliszt elosztva 270 g (1-3/4 bögre) és 39 g (1/4 bögre) …

Kerbal Space Program mods

Here are some recommended mods for Kerbal Space Program. Most of them don’t introduce new parts, don’t alter the save file, just provide additional functionality to make your Kerbal’s life less stressful. Mod installation When you install or update a mod, exit from Kerbal Space Program and start it again. The mod files are loaded …

Using Kerbal Space Program

Rename the spacecraft To rename a launched spacecraft In the Tracking Station select the vessel In the lower right corner click the Info button Double-click the name of the vessel to change the name and the image Rename docking ports Install a mod To rename docking ports install the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod from …

Working with Kerbal Space Program Subassemblies

We can save reusable modules as subassemblies in the Kerbal Space Program Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) and the Spaceplane Hangar (SPH). Misleading assembly list display This is a very dangerous feature. Every subassembly is listed in the main folder, subfolders are just for display purposes to list fewer items. So DO NOT clean up subassemblies …