Enable the HTTP Event Collector in Splunk

To send events to Splunk via HTTP posts, enable the HTTP Event Collector functionality on the Splunk Enterprise server. If you operate your own Splunk server Log into the Splunk web interface as an administrator In the Settings menu select Data inputs Select the HTTP Event Collector link In the upper right corner click the …

How to send an event to the Splunk HTTP Event Collector

The Splunk HTTP Event Collector is the preferred way to send events to Splunk. The Splunk HTTP Event Collector closes the connection if you don’t use HTTPS when you are sending a POST message. Recv failure: Connection reset by peer To send the event from the Macintosh Bash terminal curl -k https://MY_SPLUNK_SERVER_IP:8088/services/collector -H ‘Authorization: Splunk MY_TOKEN’ …

The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047)

When I made changes to the web.config file of an ASP.Net C# application, I have accidentally deleted a comma, and I started to get the runtime error message: The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047) Make sure all necessary commas are there in the config files, Visual Studio does not …

Send Alt-Control-Delete to a Windows server via Remote Desktop

When you log into a Windows server via the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in some cases you need to send the Alt-Control-Delete ( in other notations Alt-Ctrl-Del, Control-Alt-Delete, Ctrl-Alt-Del ) key combination to the remote server. From a Macintosh laptop On a Macintosh laptop press the fn+control+option+delete keys to send Alt-Control-Delete to the server. From a Windows …

Connect to a MySQL database from Visual Studio 2017

As of today weI can connect to a MySQL database, but cannot generate the Entity Data Model from a MySQL database in Visual Studio 2017 To access a MySQL database from Visual Studio 2017 IMPORTANT: First install MySQL for Visual Studio, and after that install MySQL Connector/Net. If MySQL Connector/Net is already installed on your workstation, uninstall …

Generate Entity Framework Entity Data Model in Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio 2017 has many project type options, and not all of them support the Entity Framework user interface to generate the Entity Framework Data Model (EDMX) file. If you create an ASP.NET Web Application(.NET Framework) you can add the EDMX file to it. The .NET Core projects do not support the Entity Framework Data Model …

{“error”:”Entity type ‘AspNetUserRoles’ has composite primary key defined with data annotations. To set composite primary key, use fluent API.”}

When a database table has composite keys (multiple columns are in the key) you cannot use the usual key definition [Key] [Display(Name = “UserId”)] public string UserId { get; set; } [Key] [Display(Name = “RoleId”)] public string RoleId { get; set; } When you run the application you get the error message: {“error”:”Entity type ‘AspNetUserRoles’ has composite …

Remove the 2014 Honda CR-V EX center console

There is a great post at http://www.crvownersclub.com/forums/17-interior/152730-2014-center-console-removal.html on the steps to remove the center console of the 2014 Honda CR-V EX by Jepalan. I have copied his description and added my photos to help others in the process. This is in a 2014 CRV EX that does NOT have NAV, Heated Seats, Factory Amp, or Rear Entertainment …

The ham radio restarts when the push to talk button is released

I have installed a new Kenwood TM-281A ham radio in my car. The power is filtered by a Kenwood PG-3B noise filter. When I opened the package of the noise filter, I have noticed some burnt smell but did not pay much attention. The radio transmitted perfectly, but when I released the push to talk button, the …

Generate SQL script from Entity Framework migration script

It is not recommended to execute Entity Framework migration scripts in production, It is important that you execute all SQL steps manually on the production database section-by-section to immediately see the result and be able to recover in case a destructive action goes wrong. The Visual Studio .NET application templates contain Entity Framework migration scripts to …