Find the AWS AMI that a RightScale server template is using

When you use RightScale to launch servers in the cloud, you want to use the same base image to test your Chef cookbooks in Test Kitchen. Packer by Hashicorp is a utility to create custom server images based on cloud images. You supply the image ID and other configuration parameters to create a new custom image. …

Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: No such user here

When you send email from an application, most SMTP servers require authentication. Your application needs to supply a valid username and password to be able to connect to the server. This prevents strangers to use your SMTP server and send millions of spam emails. When your application does not supply the correct credentials to connect to …

Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed.

When your application tries to send an email using a Gmail account you may get the error message: Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed. One of the causes can be, when “Less secure apps” are not allowed to use the Gmail account. To enable “Less secure apps” to use the Gmail account Log …

The .NET MVC model has to have a parameterless constructor

When you create a class to be used as the model in a .NET MVC application, the class has to have a parameterless constructor. It is called during the POST when the user clicks the submit button of the form. If the class does not have a parameterless constructor, we will get the following generic …

Turn off the built in touchpad when a mouse is attached

All laptops today feature a touchpad, that enables you to move the pointer on the screen. It can be very annoying when your thumb accidentally moves the cursor when you type, even if an external mouse is connected to the computer. Windows 10 provides a checkbox to automatically disable the internal pointing device when you …

How to verify or generate file checksums

You can verify the checksum of a file with the built-in features of the operating systems On Macintosh and Linux Open the terminal window and execute the commands SHA-256 shasum -a 256 FILE_NAME On Windows CRC32, CRC64, SHA256, SHA1, BLAKE2sp Right-click the file in Windows Explorer and select CRC SHA > * (star) The popup window will …

Upgrade TeamCity to version 10

Upgrade TeamCity to version 10 Create a backup of the database and the server before the upgrade Disable the Chef-Client scheduled task and Chef-Client service to make sure Chef does not alter the server during the upgrade. Disable the authorized agents to stop them picking new jobs. Stop the TeamCity process on the server, If …

Set up the Artifactory repository authentication

To secure Artifactory repositories follow the steps below Log into Artifactory as an administrator On the left select Admin Add users In the Security menu select Users In the upper right select New Create users for admin, writer, and reader. Make sure the Can Update Profile checkbox is NOT checked, so if someone logs in with the service …

The User Profile Service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded.

When you try to start a remote desktop connection to a Windows computer on the domain you may get the error message: The User Profile Service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded. To enable the User Profile update Remote into the computer with a local administrator account, In Windows Explorer open the C:\Users\Default\AppData folder, …

Add SSH key to a Jenkins Git step

To access a Git repository Jenkins can use an SSH key. To add the SSH key to the Jenkins server use the following Chef script Store the SSH key in an encrypted data bag called “keys”. { “id”: “ci_private_keys”, “ci_github_key”: “—–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—–\n…\n—–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—–“, }   Add the following to the Jenkins …