To move a sketch to another plane in Autodesk Inventor If necessary create a new plane Drag the new plane to the desired location in the browser Right-click the sketch and select Redefine Click the new plane for the sketch
Category Archives: Autodesk Inventor
Create 3D models based on pictures
To create a 3D model based on a picture of the original object Start a 2D sketch On the Sketch tab Insert section select Image Browse to the image and place it on the canvas To move the image, drag the center with the mouse, To rotate the image, grab it in the lower left, lower …
Autodesk Inventor configuration
To change the project folder location In the upper left corner click the Autodesk Inventor icon, Select the Options button On the File tab enter the new project folder location.
Working with solid bodies in Autodesk Inventor
To move a freeform solid body Select the solid in the part drawing In the context-sensitive icon menu select Edit Freeform, or in the browser right-click the freeform and select Edit Freeform On the Freeform tab select Edit Form On the Edit Form popup page click the Body button Select the freeform solid Move the …
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Import STL mesh files into Autodesk Inventor
Import and export STL mesh files To enable Autodesk Inventor to open and save .stl files add the STL Import and STL Export add-ins to Adobe Inventor. .stl files are used to transfer 3D print designs between computers. You can download most of them for free from the Internet. In the Tools menu open the Add-in Manager …
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