java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: ‘\xF0\x9F\x96\xA4\xE2\x9C…’ for column

When your application tries to store 4-byte Unicode characters in a MySQL database you may get the error rmessage java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: ‘\x..\x..\x..\x..\x..\x…’ for column   To store 4-byte Unicode characters in MySQL you need a modern version of the database engine, version 5.5 or later, set the column collation to COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci in the database, …

Display all teams you belong to in GitHub

To get the information on all teams you are part of in Github Open a Terminal window Execute this command with your Personal Access Token curl -H “Authorization: token YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN” The returned JSON will display all information on the teams you belong to. To generate a personal access token See Create a Personal Access Token …

Package dependent Java JAR files into the project JAR file

When you execute your Java JAR file, you need to include all dependent JAR files in the “fat jar” file, so the Java virtual machine can find them at runtime. Set up NetBeans to include the JAR files from the library In NetBeans you need to add the list of dependent libraries to the build.xml file. On the …

`pwd’: No such file or directory – getcwd (Errno::ENOENT)

When you rename a subdirectory under the directory where your Linux or MacOS terminal is open you may get the error message /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/chef-13.4.19/lib/chef/knife/cookbook_download.rb:45:in `pwd’: No such file or directory – getcwd (Errno::ENOENT) You need to refresh the directory cache of the terminal. Go one level higher cd .. Go back to the directory cd MY_DIRECTORY …

MySQL Installation

To install the MySQL database server, download the installer from Download the MySQL Community Server from On the Generally Available (GA) Releases tab select the operating system and click the Go to Download Page button, Click the Download button next to the web or offline installer, If you don’t want to register at Oracle, click the No …

Start a new Spring MVC Java Web application development in NetBeans

When you create your first Spring MVC Java web application in the base installation of NetBeans follow the steps below Create a project In the File menu select New Project… Select the Java Web category, select the Web Application project, and click Next, Enter the name of the project and click Next, If this is …

Configure NetBeans for Java Web development

The base installation of NetBeans does not include the web development category.   To add the Java web development tools to NetBeans Start the NetBeans IDE, In the Tools menu select Plugins, On the Available Plugins tab select the Java EE Base plugin and click the Install button, If any of the installed plugins is …

Ruby Gem Management

Ruby gems are Ruby programs and libraries with a name, version and the platform that can execute them. List the installed gems on your system gem list Detailed list that includes the author, homepage, license, install location and a short description gem list -d Install the latest version of the gem gem install GEM_NAME Install a …

Install a Python package

To install a Python package on Macintosh Download the Python package to your workstation, Unpack the package, Open a terminal window, Start sudo, sudo -i Change to the directory of the package, Install the package. pip install PACKAGE_NAME If you don’t install the package in sudo mode, you will get “Permission denied” errors during the …