Procedure or function ‘`…_Insert`’ cannot be found in database …

When you use the Microsoft .NET Entity framework to access a MySql database, the autogenerated code throws an error when you try to insert a row into the database with context.MY_TABLE.Add(MY_OBJECT); Server Error in ‘/’ Application. Procedure or function ‘`…_Insert`’ cannot be found in database ‘`…`’. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of …

NotSupportedException: Unable to determine the provider name for provider factory of type ‘MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory’. Make sure that the ADO.NET provider is installed or registered in the application config

In a two-tier web application, the data layer is in a separate project. This allows better separation between the presentation layer and the data layer. This way you can reuse the data project in another application that targets the same database. To access a MySql database you need to add the MySql.Data and MySql.Data.Entity NuGet packages to …

Connect to a MySQL database from Visual Studio 2017

As of today weI can connect to a MySQL database, but cannot generate the Entity Data Model from a MySQL database in Visual Studio 2017 To access a MySQL database from Visual Studio 2017 IMPORTANT: First install MySQL for Visual Studio, and after that install MySQL Connector/Net. If MySQL Connector/Net is already installed on your workstation, uninstall …

java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: ‘\xF0\x9F\x96\xA4\xE2\x9C…’ for column

When your application tries to store 4-byte Unicode characters in a MySQL database you may get the error rmessage java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: ‘\x..\x..\x..\x..\x..\x…’ for column   To store 4-byte Unicode characters in MySQL you need a modern version of the database engine, version 5.5 or later, set the column collation to COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci in the database, …

MySQL Installation

To install the MySQL database server, download the installer from Download the MySQL Community Server from On the Generally Available (GA) Releases tab select the operating system and click the Go to Download Page button, Click the Download button next to the web or offline installer, If you don’t want to register at Oracle, click the No …

Failed to open file ‘…’ , error 2 and error 22

How to restore a MySQL database in Windows To restore a MySQL database on a Windows machine: Place the database backup file in the root directory of your C: drive (trust me, this will make your life easier) Open the Command Prompt Start the MySQL command prompt mysql -u root -p This command will prompt you …