Libri elektronikus könyv olvasása az Amazon Kindle Paperwhite-on

Az Amazon Kindle Paperwhite a következő formátumokat támogatja: MOBI könyv (.mobi) Kindle könyv (.azw csak kábelen másolható, email-ben nem küldhető) Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) HTML (.htm, .html) Rich Text Format (.rtf) Text (.txt) JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg) GIF (.gif) PNG images (.png) Bitmaps (.bmp) PDF (.pdf) A fileokat a következő módszerekkel küldhetjük a Kindle-re USB kábelen …

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite konfigurálása Libri elektronikus könyv olvasásához

A legegyszerűbb, ha a könyveket email-ben küldjük as Amazon Kindle Paperwhite-re. Így nem kell hozzákapcsolnunk a Kindle-t a számítógépünkhöz. Jegyezzük fel a Kindle email címét Jelentkezzünk be az web site-ba. Az Accounts & Lists menüben válasszuk ki a Content & Devices pontot. A Devices fülön kattints a Kindle ikonra és válaszd ki a készüléket …

Quiet down the low frequency vibration of the LRDCS2603S bottom freezer LG refrigerator

LG uses a piston-type compressor in its new refrigerators. The company offers 10-year warranty on the new design, but the new compressor generates a very strong 60 Hz vibration. You can hear it as a low-frequency hum and shakes the entire house. The guitar tuner app detects it in the living room far away from …

Failed to install cookbooks from lockfile

During Chef cookbook testing with Test Kitchen only one “converge” action can update the Policyfile.lock.json at a time. If you test multiple recipes in the same cookbook, wait for the “Updating policy lock using /usr/local/bin/chef-cli update” message before starting the next converge otherwise we get the error message: STDOUT: Installing cookbooks from lockSTDERR: Error: Failed …

Move AWS EC2 instance to another subnet or availability zone

When we move an EC2 instance from one subnet to another or to another availability zone the EC2 Metadata Service stops working on the instance. We get the error message: Unable to get IAM security credentials from EC2 Instance Metadata Service. To enable the EC2 Metadata Service again, we need to update the routing configuration …

Cannot modify the instance class because there are no instances of the requested class available in the current instance’s availability zone

When you change the instance type of an AWS RDS instance, the availability zone of the instance has to have available capacity of the selected type. Some older availability zones (us-east-1a) have more old instance types than new types available. If the instance type you selected is not available in the current zone of the …

Exit from Bash script on error without closing the terminal window

To terminate the script in case of an error, we can use the “-e” option. When a bash script is “sourced”, called from an alias with a leading dot like my-alias=’. /my-script to execute in the same process, or a function is executed from a terminal window and the script exits on an error, it …

Error: Failed to install cookbooks from lockfile

When the CI/CD pipeline loads dependency cookbooks from GitHub and the kitchen converge process throws the error: Error: Failed to install cookbooks from lockfileReason: (CookbookOmnifetch::NotACookbook) The resource at ‘/…’ does not appear to be a valid cookbook. Does it have a metadata.rb? make sure the remote revisions of the dependency cookbook match in the caller …

Install Python 3 on MacOS

The MacOS comes with an old version of Python 2. For new software development Python 3 is the recommended version. Replacing the original Python 2 with Python 3 can cause instability in the MacOS. There are multiple ways to install Python 3 and keep Python 2 pn the Mac. This is the most recommended process: …

Install and configure iTerm2

Download iTerm2 from Double click the downloaded ZIP file to extract the application, Move the iTerm application to Applications. iTerm2 configuration Install Oh My Zsh Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Install it withsh -c “$(curl -fsSL” More info at Use .bashrc for configuration When you start iTerm, it reads …