When you are interviewing candidates for a DevOps position this collection of resources can help to ask the right questions. Wide variety of questions on the broad spectrum of tasks needed for the DevOps work. https://github.com/spikenode/DevOps-Interview-Questions
Author Archives: Laszlo Pinter
Extract data from JSON with Ruby
Chef uses Ruby as the scripting language. If you need to extract data out from a JSON string you can use the following script # Save the JSON values instance_data_drive_config = ‘{“size”:”500″,”type”:”io1″,”iops”:”15000″}’ # Parse the JSON to a hash data = JSON.parse(instance_data_drive_config) # Declare the variables size = ” type = ” iops = ” …
DJI Phantom 4 firmware update stops at 92%
When I update the DJI Phantom 4 firmware with DJI Assistant 2 most of the times the update stops at 92%. If I turn off the DJI Phantom 4 and turn it on again the rear lights blink fast yellow (or fast white), and the DJI Assistant 2 application cannot recognize the DJI Phantom 4 anymore …
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Git configuration
If you use 2-factor authentication in GitHub, generate a 40 character Personal Access Token that you can use as a password to access GitHub repositories. Create a Personal Access Token to use it as password in the Git client Log into GitHub and in the pull down at the upper right select Settings, On the left …
Disable database triggers in Microsoft SQL databases
If you need to temporarily disable triggers in Microsoft SQL databases during database maintenance use the following script –Disable triggers on all tables DECLARE @enable BIT = 0; DECLARE @trigger SYSNAME; DECLARE @table SYSNAME; DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE trigger_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT trigger_object.name trigger_name, table_object.name table_name FROM sysobjects trigger_object JOIN sysobjects table_object ON trigger_object.parent_obj = …
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Disable foreign key constraints in Microsoft SQL databases
Databases do not allow the deletion of rows if those are referenced in other tables with the foreign key constraint. You can turn off the validation of foreign keys in Microsoft SQL databases for the duration of the maintenance with the following script. –Disable foreign keys on all tables DECLARE @table_name SYSNAME; DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(MAX); …
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Free Windows Virtual Machines for all major Internet Explorer versions by Microsoft
Microsoft published free Windows virtual machines for every major Internet Explorer version for multiple virtualization platforms. https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/windows/
Display the branch structure and other important events in the Git command line interface
To set up the display of the branch structure, tags and pulls in the command line interface first create the following “alias” git config –global alias.lgb “log –graph –pretty=format:’%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%n’ –abbrev-commit –date=relative –branches” To display the branch structure, execute the following “alias” git lgb This will execute the above defined “alias” …
Include PBD files in ClickOnce deployment to show the line numbers in the Stack Trace
If there is an error in an application, the line numbers are only included in the Stack Trace when the PBD files are also in the application directory. To include the PBD files in an application that was distributed with ClickOnce deployment you need to: Right click the main project and select Properties On the …
How to get rid of the boring unwanted picture in Skype
Since Microsoft purchased Skype there is an annoying, unwanted advertisement on the main page. If you are tired of seeing the same boring picture every time you turn on Skype In the Tools menu select Change language, At the bottom of the list click Edit Skype Language File, In the Language File Editor click Save as …
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