Insert multiple rows into a Microsoft SQL Server database

There is a great way to insert multiple rows into a Microsoft SQL Server database in one statement. This notation has multiple advantages: simplicity and the grouping of multiple instructions into one transaction.

INSERT MyTable (name, description)
('John', 'Manager')
,('Bill', 'Truck driver')

Script from Ernie Cruz

The ‘Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0’ provider is not registered on the local machine. (System.Data)

When you try to import Excel 2007 or later “.xlsx” files into an SQL Server 2008 database you may get the following error mesage :

The ‘Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0’ provider is not registered on the local machine. (System.Data)

sql server 2008 import excel xlsx


To solve this problem install the appropriate version of the Microsoft Access Database Engine.


On 32 bit Windows

On the 32 bit version of Windows Server 2003 download and install the 32 bit version of Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable from


On 64 bit Windows

On the 64 bit versions of Windows 7 and  Windows Server 2008 download and install the 64 bit version of

Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable from

and the

2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components from


You may also have to execute the following lines in the SQL Server Management Studio

  • Open a new query window
  • Select the master database
  • Execute the following lines

sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1;
sp_configure ‘Ad Hoc Distributed Queries’, 1;


Why do we need to install the old 32 bit driver on the 64 bit operating system?

SQL Server Management Studio is a 32 bit application, most likely it can only use the 32 bit driver on the 64 bit operating system.

If you try to install the 32 bit version of the newer Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable and you already have the 64 bit version of Microsoft Office installed on your 64 bit computer you will get the following error message:

“You cannot install the 32-bit version of Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 because you currently have 64-bit Office products installed. If you want to install 32-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010, you will first need to remove the 64-bit installation of Office products. After uninstalling the following product(s), rerun setup in order to install 32-bit version of Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010: …”

sql server 2008 import excel xlsx 32 bit access database engine 64 bit office


The old 32 bit 2007 Office System Driver can be installed even if the 64 bit version of Microsoft Office 2013 is installed on the machine.


How to open SQL files in Visual Studio 2012

The default installation of Visual Studio 2012 cannot open SQL documents when you double click on them in Source Control Explorer.  To be able to do that you have to install the

SQL Server Data Tools  for Visual Studio 2012

For more information visit

How to record two instruments simultaneously with Garage Band

My son and his friend wanted to record as they play together on a bass and an electric guitar.

To record two instruments simultaneously in Garage Band you need special hardware to connect both to the computer. You can buy a USB Recording Interface for a few hundred dollars, or you can make one for $13 plus tax.

All you need is a computer, two electric instruments or microphones, and a simple audio cable.



In this example we will connect a bass and an electric guitar to a Macintosh computer and record them simultaneously with Garage Band. Computers usually have only one microphone input connector, so you can only connect one instrument or microphone at a time. But these audio inputs have two channels (left and right), so the sound card can record two mono audio signals simultaneously. Basses, electric guitars and most microphones produce mono (one channel) signals, so we can connect one of them to the left input and the other to the right input of the computer. To connect two audio sources to the computer simultaneously you need a special audio cable with two mono 1/4″ phone female jacks on one end and a 1/8″ (3.5mm) stereo male plug on the other.


One 1/4″ phone female jack has to be connected to the left channel, the other to the right channel of the cable. If you cannot find a cable ready made in the stores you can make one yourself.


Make you own recording interface

You need some tools, that you can also buy at RadioShack.


You need long-nose pliers, diagonal cutters, soldering iron and solder.


  • one 3ft (91 cm) audio Y-cable with 1/8″ (3.5mm) stereo male plug on one end and dual RCA (Phono) male plugs on the other. (RadioShack catalog number 42-494)

3_5mm to rca cable


  • one 2-pack 1/4″ mono female phone jacks (RadioShack catalog number 274-141)

phone jack



The 1/8″ stereo to dual RCA cable exposes the left and right channels of the audio input of the computer. The white plug is connected to the left channel, the red plug is connected to the right channel of the cable.

  • Cut off the RCA male phono plugs and solder the 1/4″ phone jacks to the end of the cables.



  • To make the cable  more durable you can use shrink tubes on the phone jack end.



Connect the instruments to the computer


  • Connect the bass to the left channel (where the white RCA plug was) and the electric guitar to the right channel (where the red RCA plug was) with standard guitar cables.
  • Insert  the 1/8″ stereo plug into the microphone input of the Macintosh


Record multiple instruments simultaneously

By default Garage Band can record only one track at a time, so we will enable multitrack recording in the Track menu of Garage Band below.

  • Start Garage Band
  • Create a new Voice project

01 project type


  • Set the name, tempo, signature and key of the project and click Create

02 project name


The new vocal project contains two tracks.

  • On the left side select the first track and on the right side set the instrument to Bass

03 track 1 instrument


  • On the right side set the desired bass effect

04 Track 1 effect


  • Set the input to Mono 1 (Built-in Input). This is the left channel.

05 Track 1 input


Turn on the track monitoring, so you can hear what you play.

  • On the right side select On (no feedback protection)

06 Track 1 monitor


  • To be able to simultaneously select multiple tracks for recording select Enable Multitrack Recording in the Track menu

07 enable multitrack recording


Set up the second track as Vocals and Guitar.

  • In Garage Band every track needs its own input, so you have to set the input of the second track to Mono 2 (Built-in Input). This is the right channel.

08 track 2 input


  • To arm both tracks for recording on the left side select the red recording buttons for both tracks

09 select both tracks for recording

Add if conditional statement to the Visual Studio pre-build and post-build events

There are times when you want to execute statements in the pre-build and post-build events of a Microsoft Visual Studio project when certain conditions met. In the next example we will copy the environment specific config file to the web application folder if the configuration is set to “Local”.

To edit the pre-buld and post-buld events

  • In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer right click the startup project
  • Select Properties
  • On the left side select the Build Events tab
  • To edit the script in a larger, resizable  window click the Edit Pre-Build or Edit Post-Build buttons


visual studio edit pre-build event


  • Enter the following lines into the event edit region:

if $(ConfigurationName) ==  Local (
attrib "$(ProjectDir)Web.config" -r
copy "$(ProjectDir)Config_2012\$(ConfigurationName).xml" "$(ProjectDir)Web.config"

The commands will be interpreted line-by-line the same way as a DOS batch file, so it is important to place the opening parenthesis “(” in the same line as the if statement.

How to add the Config folder to a Microsoft Visual Studio project even if the folder is not in the project directory

Corporations maintain multiple server environments for development, testing and production purposes.
All of these environments require specific settings to connect to the databases and other resources. When the build master builds the application for the specific environment the build process has to select the appropriate configuration and build it into the installer file for deployment.
It is a good practice to store these environment specific config files in a folder that also designates the Visual Studio version.

Console applications and Windows services

For console applications and Windows services place this folder into the “Source” folder.

visual studio add folder to project folder tree


In Microsoft Visual Studio you can add a folder to a project, but it will be created in the directory where the project file is located. To add a folder to a project when the folder is not in the project directory we have to manually edit the project file. In this example we will add a folder to our main project that contains the environment specific config files. The “Config_2012” folder is located in the “Source” folder outside of the “Project_2012” project directory.

The following steps will add the “Config_2012” folder to the project

  • Create the “Config_2012” folder in Windows Explorer
  • Add the environment specific config files to it
  • Add the folder to source control
  • Open the solution in Visual Studio
  • Right click the main project and select Unload Project
  • Right click the main project again and select Edit…
  • Add the following to the project file

<None Include="..\Source\Config_2012\Dev.config">
<None Include="..\Source\Config_2012\Local.config">
<None Include="..\Source\Config_2012\Prod.config">
<None Include="..\Source\Config_2012\QA.config">
<None Include="..\Source\Config_2012\Staging.config">
<None Include="..\Source\Config_2012\UAT.config">


  • Save the project file
  • Right click the main project file and select Reload Project

The “Config_2012” folder will appear in the Solution Explorer and the config files will be added as linked files.

visual studio add folder to project

Web applications and web services

For web applications and web services place the Config folder into the web application folder

web application folder structure config_2012 folder highlighted

To add the config folder and files to the web application

  • Open the web solution in Visual Studio
  • Select the web project
  • Click the Show All Files button on the Solution Explorer toolbar

visual studio show all files button


  • The Solution Explorer will display all files in the web application folder

web application solution explorer show all files config_2012 folder and files


  • Right click the Config_2012 folder  and select Include In Project

web application solution explorer show all files config_2012 folder include in project


  • Select all the config files in the Config_2012 folder
  • Right click the selection and select Properties

web application solution explorer show all files config_2012 folder files properties


  • Set the Build Action to None

web application file properties build action none


  • Click the Show All Files button on the Solution Explorer toolbar again to hide the excluded files

visual studio show all files button


Create a backup of a Microsoft SQL Server database to a location outside of the database server

The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 user interface only allows you to create a backup of a database to one of the local drives of the database server.

To create a backup of a Microsoft SQL Server database to a location outside of the database server execute the following SQL script:

DISK = N'\\MyNas\MyDatabase.bak'
WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'MyDatabase Database Backup', NOSKIP, STATS = 10

Change the bold values to match your environment.

How to add sample programming code to a post or page in WordPress

Double quotes

When you write a post or create a page you may want to add sample program snippets to it. If your code contains double quotes (“) the WordPress page will display different characters for the opening and closing quotes, like in this   “example”.

Unfortunately these characters differ from the quotes you use for programming, so if someone pastes the sample code into a code editor the compiler will not understand them.

To force WordPress to display your lines as those were intended

  • Paste the sample code into the article in Visual mode
  • Switch to Text mode and place <code> and </code> tags around the code snippet


When you insert HTML or XML code into you page make sure you keep the order described above. The visual editor will convert the < and > characters to &lt; and &gt;, so the WordPress engine will not interpret your sample code as part of the HTML of the page.

If you enter the following in Text mode


WordPress will remove your < and > characters and the page will display


Save the list of folders in a text file

If you receive a portable drive and want to see the list of folders, you can output it to a text file.

To save the list of folders in a text file execute the following command in the command window:

dir P: /AD /B >> "C:\folderlist.txt"

where P: is the drive letter of the portable drive

The file will be created in the root directory of the C: drive.

How to remove Windows 8 and install Windows 7 on a Lenovo ideapad z580 laptop

My friend just bought a new Lenovo ideapad z580 laptop with Windows 8 on it. She was not sure if her special statistical programs will run on Windows 8, so she asked me to remove Windows 8 and install her copy of Windows 7  64 bit on it. As it turned out the Lenovo laptop arrived with UEFI boot turned on and it did not accept the original Windows 7 64 bit DVD as a boot device. The solution is to turn off UEFI in the BIOS and enable the legacy boot.

To enter the BIOS

  • Turn off the Lenovo ideapad z580 laptop
  • Press the small “Novo” button next to the power button to turn on the computer and display the Novo Button Menu
  • In the Novo Button Menu select BIOS Setup and press Enter

Turn off the UEFI boot mode in the BIOS

  • In the BIOS setup select Boot on the top of the screen
  • Press Enter on the Boot Mode option and select Legacy Support
  • Select Boot Priority, press enter and select Legacy First

Save the BIOS settings

  • Select Exit on the top of the screen
  • Select Exit Saving Changes and press Enter
  • Press Enter on Yes to save the changes

The computer will automatically restart into Windows 8

  • Keep the power button pressed to shut it down

Boot from the Windows 7 DVD

  • Start the computer with the “Novo” button
  • Insert the Windows 7 DVD into the DVD drive
  • In the Novo Button Menu select Boot Menu and press Enter
  • In the Boot menu select 2. ATAPI CD… and press Enter

Install Windows 7

  • The computer will boot from the Windows 7 DVD
  • Select Install, Advanced installation
  • Delete all partitions on the hard drive
  • Create one partition (Windows will create another 100MB system partition for itself)
  • Select the large partition as the destination of Windows 7