Integrate Anaconda into Pyenv

If you use Pyenv to install multiple Python versions side-by-side and installed Anaconda to create virtual environments for each of your projects, install pyenv-virtualenv to integrate them. Anaconda without the pyenv-virtualenv integration overwrites the PATH, and places itself to the front before pyenv would be able to handle the Python command calls. pyenv-virtualenv seamlessly combines …

Install multiple Python versions with Pyenv

Pyenv is a Python version manager. It is recommended, because it does not depend on Python, (written in Bash) and using it we can install and utilize multiple Python versions without affecting the Python version used by MacOS. The Pyenv source code is at Install Pyenv We will use Homebrew to install Pyenv Install …

Use virtual environments with Anaconda

Anaconda (conda) can create a python bubble for you with no preinstalled packages. You can create a Python virtual environment for each of your projects to isolate them and only install the required packages. When we distribute our code, we should specify the list of referenced Python packages including their versions in the requirements.txt file. …

ERROR HMAC did not pass!!

The DocuSign Connect interface can send REST API requests to your HTTP listener using HMAC ( hash-based message authentication code ) security. This guarantees the integrity of the contents of the message: You generate a secret key in the DocuSign web UI, During the webhook call DocuSign generates the SHA-256 hash of the raw body …

Error: invalid SQS queue name

When you create anAWS FIFO SQS queue with Terraform, you may get the error message: Error: invalid queue name The name of an AWS FIFO SQS queue has to end with .fifo ( my-queue.fifo ) The name of any AWS SQS queue cannot be longer than 80 characters, and can only contain letters, numbers, dashes …

Kovászos Bagett és Batard

Szabadfi Szabolcs (Szabi) csoda finom bagett és batard készítését tanítja kovásszal. Hozzávalók Az előtésztához 2 dl langyos víz 50 g kovász 40 g BL 55-ös finomliszt 160 g BL 80-as kenyérliszt A dagasztáshoz: 2.1 dl langyos víz 50 g kovász 240 g BL 55-ös finomliszt 240 g BL 80-as kenyérliszt 1 teáskanál barna cukor 14 …

How to copy an image from Docker Hub to your Docker Registry

Some images on Docker Hub require the acknowledgement of the terms and conditions. This prevents CI/CD pipelines and other automated build systems to pull the image with the error message: error building image: GET…   : UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required; [map[Action:pull Class: Name:store/…  Type:repository]] To solve the problem, we can manually pull the image to our workstation, …

Fánk sütőben sütve

Hozzávalók 50 dkg finomliszt 5 dkg margarin 7 dkg cukor 3 dkg friss élesztő 3 db tojássárgája 3 dl tej 15 teáskanál lekvár/ dzsem Elkészítés Langyos cukros tejben felfuttatjuk az élesztőt, Közben egy tálban a lisztet, a puha margarint és a tojásokat elmorzsoljuk. A felfuttatott élesztőt is hozzátesszük, és dagasztjuk. Ha ragad, akkor még egy kis liszt mehet bele. Konyharuhával letakarva duplájára …

Electric car comparison

In the past years, it was relatively easy to pick the best electric car, because there was only a handful of them. This year many new models arrive at the dealerships. On this page, I will try to compare them to help us to pick the best car. Efficiency information is from Federal tax …