Elektronikus könyv küldése az Amazon Kindle-re a Calibre programmal

Indítsuk el a Calibre programot, A könyvtárban jelöljük ki a könyvet, kattintsunk a Kapcsolat/megosztás gombra és válasszuk ki az Email küldése ide: …@kindle.com menü pontot. Ellenőrizzük le, hogy a program a korrekt formátumra konvertálja a könyvet. Ha a formátum megfelel katintsunk az Igen gombra. Ha “Nem”-el válaszoulnk, Calibre akkor is elküldi az email-t, csak nem …

Template variables are not supported in alert queries – Grafana error

When you try to create the first alert on a Grafana dashboard, you may get the error message: Template variables are not supported in alert queries Cause All queries of the panel use at least one template variable with the format ${VARIABLE_NAME} or $VARIABLE_NAME Template variables usually represent the value of selected items in dropdown …

Tejfölös, mustáros sült hús krumplival

Hozzávalók Néhány szelet hús Hagyma Krumpli Alma ( zöld alma a legjobb ) 2 dl Tejföl Fehér bor Mustár Só Bors Előkészítés Besózzzuk, megborsozzuk a hús szeletek mindkét oldalát Pici olajjal kiolajozzuk a hőálló tálat Kevés fehér bort teszünk bele Alulra tesszük a húsokat Rátesszük a karikára vágott hagymát Rátesszük a vastagabb karikára vágott almát …

Encountered exception: The request identified this synchronization job…

During Azure AD user on-demand provisioning you may encounter the error message: Encountered exception: The request identified this synchronization job: …. The request also identified this synchronization rule: . However, the job does not include the rule. To fix this issue click the Retry button at the bottom of the page.

This object does not have required entitlement for provisioning

Microsoft Azure Active Directory services provides authentication to your application. User provisioning may fails with this message: Result Skipped Description The User ‘…’ will be skipped due to the following reasons: 1) This object does not have required entitlement for provisioning. If you did not expect the object to be skipped, update provisioning scope to …

How to add your COVID-19 vaccination record to Apple Wallet

California maintains a state-wide database of COVID-19 vaccinations. Apple Wallet supports the digital vaccination records since iOS version 15.1 To add your COVID-19 digital vaccination record to your Apple Wallet On your phone or computer navigate to https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/ Enter your first and last name, date of birth, and the phone number or email address associated …

Integrate Anaconda into Pyenv

If you use Pyenv to install multiple Python versions side-by-side and installed Anaconda to create virtual environments for each of your projects, install pyenv-virtualenv to integrate them. Anaconda without the pyenv-virtualenv integration overwrites the PATH, and places itself to the front before pyenv would be able to handle the Python command calls. pyenv-virtualenv seamlessly combines …

Install multiple Python versions with Pyenv

Pyenv is a Python version manager. It is recommended, because it does not depend on Python, (written in Bash) and using it we can install and utilize multiple Python versions without affecting the Python version used by MacOS. The Pyenv source code is at https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv Install Pyenv We will use Homebrew to install Pyenv Install …

Use virtual environments with Anaconda

Anaconda (conda) can create a python bubble for you with no preinstalled packages. You can create a Python virtual environment for each of your projects to isolate them and only install the required packages. When we distribute our code, we should specify the list of referenced Python packages including their versions in the requirements.txt file. …

ERROR HMAC did not pass!!

The DocuSign Connect interface can send REST API requests to your HTTP listener using HMAC ( hash-based message authentication code ) security. This guarantees the integrity of the contents of the message: You generate a secret key in the DocuSign web UI, During the webhook call DocuSign generates the SHA-256 hash of the raw body …