Invoke-WebRequest : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Older PowerShell versions do not use TLS1.2 as the default version during the SSL handshake. When the API requires TLS1.2 the error message appears:  Invoke-WebRequest : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.  To force PowerShell to use TLS1.2 during the SSL handshake, issue this command before executing the Invoke-Webrequest

Extend a Linux partition

When the Linux disk drive is full, first we need to identify the reason for the drive overuse. Many times the drive is filled with one large log file, that can be identified and truncated. To list the directory sizes under the current directory execute To empty a file, overwrite it with nothing, so the …

Configure AWS Route 53 to host a web site in AWS

To be able to fully control the routing of a DNS name use Route 53 Create a new Hosted Zone In the Route 53 console click the Create Hosted Zone button Create a new public Hosted Zone Return to the domain registrars website and set the name servers to use the AWS Route 53 hosted …

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename ‘C:\Users\MY_USERNAME\.config\configstore\update-notifier-nodemon.json.3604946166’ -> ‘C:\Users\MY_USERNAME\.config\configstore\update-notifier-nodemon.json’ In case of this error rename the C:\Users\MY_USERNAME\.config\configstore\update-notifier-nodemon.json to update-notifier-nodemon.json.ORIGINAL to allow NPM to use the file name as the target of a rename operation.

Test Socket.IO connectivity

To test the connectivity to the Express Socket.IO server use the following command from a terminal window npx: installed 11 in 4.89s0{“sid”:”vOQHhey-0EYPaAvVAAAA”,”upgrades”:[],”pingInterval”:25000,”pingTimeout”:5000}40 If the return value is 40, in the next 30 seconds the server is listening for new events (pingInterval ms + pingTimeout ms). You can send one with the command42[“EVENT_NAME”, “ATTRIBUTE1”, “ATTRIBUTE2”]

Blue-green deployment in AWS ECS Fargate with CodeDeploy

We will use CodeDeploy to automate the application deployment in our AWS ECS Fargate cluster. Create an AIM role for CodeDeploy to assume the ECS service role In the AWS console navigate IAM and click the Roles link Click the Create role button Click the CodeDeploy link Select CodeDeploy ECS Keep the default setting Enter …

Host the server container in an AWS ECS Fargate cluster

We have already created a Docker image for the server using Nginx. We will create an AWS ECS Fargate cluster in AWS and host the container there. Create an ECR repository for the image Select the Elastic Container Registry Create a new repository Enter a name, enable Tag immutability and Scan on push Select the repository you just …

Host a static web application in AWS S3

We will host our static website in AWS S3. Install the AWS SDK Node.js module Configure the AWS CLI with the access key and secret key in the ~/.aws/credentials file to access your AWS account. Host the static website of the client in an S3 bucket Create an S3 bucket using the AWS console To be able …

Deploy a new version of a task in an ECS Fargate cluster

To deploy the new version of a Docker container image and launch new tasks with the new version Build and push the new Docker image Build the new Docker container image Push the new image to ECR (Elastic Container Registry) Create a new revision of the ECS Task Definition Open the ECS section of the …

Phaser 3 game sprites are not displayed on iOS, iPad and iPhone

If the Phaser 3 game sprites are not displayed on iOS change the type in the index.js file to type: Phaser.CANVAS In CANVAS mode Phaser cannot set the background color with this.cameras.main.backgroundColor or this.backgroundColor. Set the background color too in the index.js file as seen above.