Configure the Windows virtual machine in VirtualBox

Enable shared folders on the virtual machine To be able to use shared folders between the host ( your workstation ) and the Windows virtual machine. Start the Windows virtual machine in VirtualBox, Select the virtual machine window on your workstation, In the Devices menu of VirtualBox select Insert Guest Additions CD image… In the virtual machine start Windows Explorer, …

VirtualBox installation and configuration on Windows

Download Virtual Box from and follow the instructions to install it. At the time of writing this was the section where the installer files were referenced Run the downloaded installer file and accept all default values. The installer starts the Virtual Box application.You can close it, we will use other tools to start it in the future. …

VirtualBox installation and configuration on Macintosh

Download VirtualBox from and follow the instructions to install it. At the time of writing, this was the section where the installer files were referenced Run the downloaded installer file and accept all default values. The installer starts the application.   Create a virtual machine To create a new virtual machine Download the OS image from the …

CloudExceptions::CloudException – 400: VPCIdNotSpecified: No default VPC for this user

When you launch a new EC2 instance in the AWS cloud from the command line or with other cloud management platforms, you may get the error message: CloudExceptions::CloudException – 400: VPCIdNotSpecified: No default VPC for this user (RequestID: …) This can happen when the specified Subnet Id is not a valid subnet in the selected …

Start a new Spring MVC Java Web application development in NetBeans

When you create your first Spring MVC Java web application in the base installation of NetBeans follow the steps below Create a project In the File menu select New Project… Select the Java Web category, select the Web Application project, and click Next, Enter the name of the project and click Next, If this is …

Configure NetBeans for Java Web development

The base installation of NetBeans does not include the web development category.   To add the Java web development tools to NetBeans Start the NetBeans IDE, In the Tools menu select Plugins, On the Available Plugins tab select the Java EE Base plugin and click the Install button, If any of the installed plugins is …

Create the AWS credentials file from a Chef Data Bag

When a process on a server instance needs access to an AWS account, the user who will execute the AWS CLI commands needs to be able to automatically authenticate in AWS. For automatic AWS authentication, the AWS CLI creates two files in the .aws directory: config and credentials. The location of this directory depends on the …

Soundproof Enclosure for the Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer

The Monoprice Select Mini printer is an open design, all noise making parts are exposed, and as the stepper motors move the head and the platform, the vibration transfers to the table it is sitting on. There are a few sound proof enclosure designs on the internet, but I have found one that looks cool …