Cities: Skylines II (also known as Cities: Skylines 2) makes tram line creation much easier. To add a new stop to an existing tram line To move a tram stop to the correct side of the road If the tram stop is not at the desired side of the road To delete a tram stop …
Author Archives: Laszlo Pinter
How to return multiple values from a TypeScript function
TypeScript (and JavaScript) functions can only return one value, but that value can be an object. To return multiple values from a function, we can return those in an object. There are two ways of returning an object from a TypeScript function: Create an object in the function, set the property values and return it …
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Create an open pit stone and coal mine in Cities: Skylines II
In Cities: Skylines II (also known as Cities: Skylines 2) we can build a deep open pit stone and coal mine. Terraforming Road construction Mine area creation
Cities: Skylines II notes
These are some of the important features of Cities: Skylines II (also known as Cities: Skylines 2) released on October 14, 2023. This post is a work in progress, check back for more details as my city grows. Special thanks to Biffa for the great examples at Our Cities Skylines 2 Journey Starts Now! Are …
Locust installation and setup
Installation To install Locust, follow the instructions at Locust Installation Troubleshooting If the check fails with the error message ValueError: greenlet.greenlet size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 152 from C header, got 40 from PyObject Make sure you use the Anaconda virtual Python environment to avoid version conflicts between installed Python components. Create your …
Returning trains do not follow the station list in Railway Empire 2
When we select stations to define a rail line, only one way travel is defined. The returning train always selects the shortest path. In this example Vienna West is in the station list, the return path is not defined, so the train will return through Vienna Ost, the shorter path. To make sure the returning …
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Making a profit in Railway Empire 2
To increase profit (or reduce losses) you can make adjustments to your empire. Keep a train lines profitable Train completed last tour without freight If the train frequently leaves a station without freight, set the minimum number of wagons to 4 for that station. The train will wait at the station until at least 4 …
Error: MUI: The data grid component requires all rows to have a unique id property
Error: MUI: The data grid component requires all rows to have a unique id property.Alternatively, you can use the getRowId prop to specify a custom id for each row.A row was provided without id in the rows prop: The Material UI Data Grid needs to have a unique ID to identify the rows. To specify …
Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules
When a software update changes folder permissions we can lose access to Node.js module locations. In case of the error message Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules
Railway Empire 2 industry needs chart
This chart contains the needs of each industries in Railway Empire 2. The industry needs of Railway Empire 2 To get the information When a city opens for a new industry