Error: MUI: The data grid component requires all rows to have a unique id property.Alternatively, you can use the getRowId prop to specify a custom id for each row.A row was provided without id in the rows prop: The Material UI Data Grid needs to have a unique ID to identify the rows. To specify …
Author Archives: Laszlo Pinter
Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules
When a software update changes folder permissions we can lose access to Node.js module locations. In case of the error message Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules
Railway Empire 2 industry needs chart
This chart contains the needs of each industries in Railway Empire 2. The industry needs of Railway Empire 2 To get the information When a city opens for a new industry
Build a high traffic railway station in Railway Empire 2
If only one main line runs through your railway station, but the traffic is very high, build a station with 8 tracks. To allow trains to use any track of the station, we could use 8 track gridirons, but those require long parallel tracks. We can use four 2 track gridirons, and combine the tracks …
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Data access in Remix React.js web applications
Remix vastly simplifies access to backend processes by auto-generating all API calls between the browser and the web server. We only need to create the “loader()” function to get data from the server and the “action()” function to submit a form. Reading Environment variable values For security reasons the Node.js web application environment variables are …
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Railway Empire 2 track building tips and tricks
Track must not end in tunnels A natural or manmade obstacle prevents track building. To clear the landscape for the tracks
Node.js application run and build error troubleshooting
sh: npm-run-all: command not found sh: cross-env: command not found
Railway station with one main line and one branch line in Railway Empire 2
To connect a branch line to a main line at a railway station in Railway Empire 2, create a station with four platforms. In the example below the mainline is on the left side on tracks #1 and #2, the branch line arrives to tracks #3 and #4 at the bottom from the right. Connect …
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Getting started with Railway Empire 2
Configuration – Automatic Pause stops the game when we open the track building panel. This prevents traffic jams, but stops the game and progress unnecessarily.– When the window loses focus the game and progress stops. – Edge scrolling is very fast and sensitive in Railroad Empire 2. To disable automatic edge scrolling. – It is …
Prevent scrolling in Lucid Charts embedded viewer
When a Lucid Chart image is embedded in a web page, the Lucid viewer allows the accidental scrolling and zooming of the image. Currently, there is no option to disable these features. There is a simple way to prevent accidental interaction with the Lucid Chart viewer. We can place a transparent layer on top of …
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