Apply Imported Fill Color is not available in Lucid Charts

To display dynamic data on Lucid Charts. we can link Google Sheets to Lucid Chart objects. The Pull fill color from Google Sheets section of the Lucid documents explain how to set the color of an object based on the cell color, but does not mention one important step. To be able to select the Apply Imported Fill …

Initial url (undefined) does not match URL at time of hydration

React web applications pre-render the pages during application build for faster display and “hydrates” them with the client side javascript to make them interactive and to display data. This error can have causes: Initial url (undefined) does not match URL at time of hydration An installed NPM module

Rotating pizza stone for the Ooni Koda 12 pizza oven

Pizza is awesome, we have never found anyone who does not like it. The Ooni Koda 12 gas fired pizza oven can fully bake a 12 inch pizza in 3 minutes, but we need to rotate it every 20-30 seconds to bake it evenly and avoid burning it on one side. The rotating pizza stone …

How to convert PostgreSQL array column to scalar column type

If your PostgreSQL database table contains “timestamp with time zone []” or “timestamp without time zone []” type columns and you want to convert them to “timestamp with time zone” or “timestamp without time zone” type, add the USING directive to the ALTER COLUMN command to tell PostgreSQL how to convert the array to the scalar value. In …

TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘…’ of ‘useLoaderData(…)’ as it is null.

React web applications (Next.js, Remix) use React hooks to transfer data between the server side and browser side code. Remix uses the loader() function to run code on the server to produce data for the web page, and the instruction in the browser code to receive it. When the compiler throws the TypeScript error: TypeError: Cannot …