When you try to run an older Node.js application under a new version of Node.js you may get deprecation warnings. If you downgrade Node.js and keep the out of date component, you will introduce a dangerous security risk in your application.
To refresh the referenced Node.js libraries
In the command line execute npm install --force npm audit fix --force
If you use a Macintosh computer, you use the Command key all the time. Unfortunately, on the Windows keyboard you will always accidentally hit the Windows key. This can be very frustrating, as pressing the Windows key with any of the cursor keys will resize the current window.
Install the 32 bit version, as the 64 bit version is fairly new and has compatibility issues. Download the latest Ruby installer. Pick the file that does not have the (x64) at the end.
Accept the default values but check Add Ruby executables to your PATH
Ruby Development Kit
The Ruby Development Kit is need for certain Ruby gems, so install it.
If you have installed the 32 bit version of Ruby make sure you install the 32 bit version of the DevKit. Select the Development kit that matches the Ruby version you installed. At the time of writing the latest development kit is under “For use with Ruby 2.0 and above (32bits version only)”
Run the installer to extract it to a permanent location (C:\RubyDevKit)
Open a command window in the C:\RubyDevKit folder
Run these commands in the command prompt to install it.
You may need to add the location to the Path environment variable. Make sure you use the actual folder name, as it contains the version of the application. ;C:\Program Files (x86)\GraphvizX.XX\bin
The Amazon Web Services command line interface installation will set up your workstation to launch instances in AWS from Test Kitchen. If you know you will work with AWS, see DevOps Engineering part 3. – Working with AWS for the AWS CLI installation.
We use Packer to create custom AWS AMIs that contain the fundamental configuration and applications that are common in every instance we launch.
Download the make-4.4.1-without-guile-w32-bin.zip or newer archive (make sure you select the version “without-guile”),
Extract the zip archive in a temporary location,
Copy the contents to the C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64 directory, merging into the existing folders, but do NOT overwrite or replace any existing files.
To be able to work with Amazon Web Services install the AWS CLI
After a major macOS upgrade (currently to Ventura) the command line tools, including git, in the terminal windows (Terminal, iTerm) stop working. We get the error message
The macOS terminals use the Xcode Command Line Tools to execute commands on the Mac. When you upgrade the Macintosh operating system, you need to accept the licensing agreement of the Xcode Command Line Tools.
The simplest way to do it, to re-install the Xcode Command Line Tools and click the Accept button.
Open a terminal window and execute xcode-select --install
The installation starts, and when prompted, Accept the license terms and complete the installation.
If after the re-installation you still get the same error message, try to execute sudo xcode-select --reset
Developers frequently use the .env file to store configuration values on the workstation. If the values contain sensitive data add the line to the .gitignore file to avoid committing the file into source control.
If the value contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes
Your application reads a double quote at the end of the value: gDebugColumnName: x Debug”
There is an extra space character at the end of the line after the closing double quote in the .env file
Delete all trailing spaces from the lines in the .env file.
Create a new directory external_dlls for SpaceWarp in the Kerbal Space Program 2 “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\KSP2_x64_Data\Managed” directory cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\KSP2_x64_Data\Managed“ md external_dlls
Clone the SpaceWarp repository in to the external_dlls directory cd external_dlls git clone https://github.com/X606/SpaceWarp.git
Right-click in the white area of the File Explorer and select Show more options
Select Git Bash Here
Execute the command pip install -r requirements.txt
Build SpaceWarp
Open the ksp2_mod_loader_patcher.sln Visual Studio solution from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\KSP2_x64_Data\Managed\external_dlls\SpaceWarp\SpaceWarp”
Open the list of references to see the missing packages
The packages marked with an exclamation point are missing
Open the NuGet package manager
Add references to the missing assemblies
Right-click References and select Add Reference…
On the Browse tab click the Browse button
Browse to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\KSP2_x64_Data\Managed folder and select the DLLs
Rebuild the solution
Right-click the solution and select Rebuild Solution