How to get into the BIOS menu on a Windows 10 computer.

When you select Shut down on a Windows 10 computer, your machine is really not shut down. When you turn the computer on again it executes a fast start, so you cannot open the BIOS menu. To get into the computer’s BIOS first shut down you computer as described in How to completely shut down a …

How to completely shut down a Windows 10 computer

Windows 10 does not really shut down the computer when you select Shut down. This enables the operating system to start quickly, but if you want to cold start your computer to enter the BIOS menu you need to turn off your computer. To really shut down your Windows 10 computer: Right click the Windows …

Delay updates in Windows 10

On more occasions Microsoft released Windows 10 updates that disabled the network connection, the webcam or caused other inconveniences. Windows 10 automatically downloads and installs the updates without asking for permission from the owner of the computer. In Windows professional you can delay the installation of updates, so your work is not interrupted with frequent …

Keep multiple versions of applications on Macintosh

Most of the DevOps tools are still in beta versions, many times the new version is not compatible with your existing scripts or have an error that stops your scripts working. To be able to keep multiple versions of the applications and easily switch between them, create symbolic links and point to the version you …

Disable the Caps Lock key on the Macintosh

I am not sure who uses the Caps Lock button anymore. It was important in the age of typewriters to be able to type all uppercase titles without holding the shift key, but these days I don’t remember the last time I needed it. In fact I frequently press it accidentally and prevents me to …

DevOps Engineering part 1. (Mac) – Make your Macintosh easier to use

Enable the right-click To be able the right-click on the mouse Sounds Disable the startup sound To disable the sond during the computer start Enable notifications when external monitors are connected By default notifications are turned off during screen sharing and screen mirroring. This makes screen sharing quieter for the audience, but notifications of arriving …

OLD- DevOps Engineering part 1. (Win) – Make your Windows computer easier to use

Set up your computer Display the file extensions On Windows 11 Open the File Explorer Click the arrow next to View and select Show Mark File name extensions and Hidden items On Windows 10 Open File Explorer On the View tab select File name extensions Hidden items On Windows 7 (if you accidentally run into …

Your session has timed out. Please try again. Code 5107 in the

To download apps from the Apple Store you need an Apple Id. If the app is free, you may not want to enter credit card information during the registration. If you try to create the Apple Id without the credit card in the App Store application, you may get the following error message: Your session …

List the installed Windows Features on the Windows server with PowerShell

When you set up a new Windows server and want to make sure all necessary Windows features are installed on it, you can list them in text format. If you want to replicate the configuration of an existing server, just list the features of both servers and compare them in a comparison tool, like Araxis …

How to copy files to the clipboard

When you work in the graphical user interface (GUI) of your operating system, and want to copy the contents of a file to the clipboard, you can use the following commands: On OS X run: cat FILE_NAME | pbcopy On Linux run: cat FILE_NAME | xclip On Windows (via Cygwin/Git Bash) run: cat FILE_NAME | clip