Refueling in SnowRunner

You can always refuel your truck at the Fuel Stations, but there are fuel trailers on the maps where you can also fill up the tank of your truck.

  1. Park your truck close to the fuel trailer, so the fuel tank of the truck is close to it. If the truck has a long bed, like the Azov 64131 with a sideboard bed and a crane installed, the tank is too far from the trailer to detect it when you back to the trailer. Approach the trailer with the side or the cab of the truck.
  2. In the menu select Refuel.
  3. Set the trailer the source, and the truck as the target.

SnowRunner – Alaska, USA (spoiler)

North Port

There is an unfinished oil pipeline north of the garage. The unfinished pipe on the road blocks the easy access to the north side of the map. To open the road

  1. Open the Contracts list
  2. The Black Bird company is looking for help with Pipeline Construction. Complete it and the road opens.
Service SiteDrilling spare parts
Lost pipeLarge Pipe x1 (4 units long)– In the water north of the Drilling Site (crane needed) or
– West Factory or
– Port
Drilling siteA truck with a crane can pick it up north of the drilling site. No crane is needed at the port or the West Factory. Make sure the bed or trailer can hold a 4-unit long cargo because the pipe has to be “packed” to be available for unloading.
RoadblockMetal beams x1FactoryRoadblock north of the Garage
Black Bird co.
Pipeline construction
Spare partsWarehouseOil pipe construction north of the Garage
Black Bird co.
Floating drill
Oil rig salvage semi-trailerService Site in the southeast cornerPortSaddle high needed

Mountain River

Service HubService spare parts
Saw MillWooden planks
FactoryMetal beams
North Warehouse Small pipes
Medium pipes
Concrete slab
Restoring The BridgeConcrete slab x1
Service spare parts x2
Working StiffRepair a Caterpillar and take it to Saw MillSoutheast hilltopSaw Mill
Environmental issueCurtainside trailerNorthResearch zone
To White Valleyopen

Pedro Bay Alaska, USA

Stock LoadingWooden planks
Dangerous RouteWooden planks x4Stock LoadingBridge (North)
Morrison’s LandslideWooden planks x4Stock LoadingLandslide (North)
Family TreasureCurtain side trailerBehind Weather Conditions in a meadowBoat Station
Weather ConditionsScoutWeather ConditionsBoat Station
Old Mack and Drowned Car HummerNorth of Family TreasureParking Lot
Pole DownWooden planks x2Stock LoadingFallen electric pole
Moving the StockOil barrels x1
Wooden planks x2
Oil fields (crane needed)
Stock loading

White Valley

AirportDrilling equipment ( 4 slots )
Oversized cargo ( 4 slots )
Consumables ( 1 slot )
West WarehouseSmall pipes (2 slots)
Medium pipes (2 slots)
Large pipe (4 slots)
Concrete blocks (1 slot)
Cement (1 slot)
BridgeService spare parts x2 on a sideboard trailerOil Rig Service SiteBridge
Long BridgeWooden planks x2
Service spare parts x2
Logging Station
Service Hub
Long Bridge
Deep River DivingScout 800East of Long BridgeParking
Blocked TunelWarehouse or Factory
Concrete blocks x1
Small pipes x1
Nort-west tunnel

Unlock every truck and customization in SnowRunner

XD Development at shows how to unlock everything in SnowRunner, but it is a very fast pacing video. You can watch it at half speed, or read the steps below:

  • Download the unlock_all.rar file from
  • Install WinRAR from
  • Open the Snow Runner game directory on your computer
    • If you installed from Epic, the game is at “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner”
  • Make a copy of the SnowRunner directory to be able to roll back the changes if anything goes wrong during the update
  • Move the downloaded unlock_all.rar file into the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner” directory and open it with WinRAR
  • Create a temp directory in the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner” directory
  • Copy the folders from the unlock_all directory in unlock_all.rar file into the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner\temp” directory

  • Open the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner\en_us\preload\paks\client” directory in File Explorer
  • Open the initial.pak file with WinRAR

  • Drag the directories from the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner\temp” directory into the initial.pak file
  • Close both instances of WinRAR and start the SnowRunner game.
  • All free trucks and customizations should be unlocked.

How to purchase all the goodies

Now you only need money to buy the trucks you now have access to. Check out Add money to your SnowRunner character.

Configure cron jobs in macOS

We will use the crontab command to schedule a daily backup of important files on our Macintosh.

  • Open a terminal window
  • If you only need access to your personal files continue to the next step
    • To be able to access protected files too, switch to sudo with
      sudo -i
      and enter your password.
  • Execute the command
    crontab -e
  • The VI editor opens, enter the scheduling command.
    This example runs every day at 11:00 pm, changes to the backup_scripts directory, executes the script and saves the cron logs in the /tmp directory
    0 23 * * * cd ~/Git/_Work/BACKUPS/backup_scripts && ./ 2>&1 >> /tmp/cron.log

How to restore hidden and protected files from Time Machine backups

Time Machine backs up all necessary files to restore your computer in case of a disaster. Hidden directories are backed up, but you need root (sudo) permission to access some of them. The Time Machine restore process cannot restore protected files and directories one-by-one, only when you restore the entire machine backup.

This table shows the locations of some important files and directories on the Time Machine drive:

ItemLocationLocation on the Time Machine drive
cron jobs/var -> private/var/at/tabsBackups.backupdb/MY_COMPUTER_NAME/MY_BACKUP_DATE/Macintosh HD – Data/private/var/at/tabs
Google Chrome bookmarks/Users/MY_USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Volumes/Time Machine 1 Passport/Backups.backupdb/MY_COMPUTER_NAME/MY_BACKUP_DATE/Macintosh HD – Data/Users/MY_USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default

To view files in hidden directories with access restrictions on the Time Machine

  • Connect the Time Machine drive to your computer
  • In Finder navigate to the parent of the protected directory
  • Right-click the parent directory, and select Services, New Terminal at Folder
  • In the terminal execute
    to get the current working directory
  • In the terminal execute
    sudo -i
    and enter your admin password
  • Copy the output of the pwd command to the clipboard
  • Change the directory by executing the command
    cd "/Volumes... "
    ( enclose the path in double quotes as it contains spaces )
  • Change into the protected directory to access the files

To restore files to the computer

When we access protected files on the Time Machine we use the “root” account to access them. If we copy the file to the computer the owner becomes “root” and the applications running under our regular account cannot access them.

To make the files accessible to the regular account we need to change the file permissions after copying them to the computer.

Restore Google Chrome bookmarks from Time Machine backup

  • Start Google chrome and save one bookmark to create the Bookmarks file with the correct ownership.
  • Start a terminal ( terminal #1 ) and open the time machine backup with “sudo” rights ( see table above ) to get the backup file location
  • Start another terminal ( terminal #2 ) and open the folder on the computer with “sudo” rights ( see table above )
  • In terminal #2 execute the command to copy and overwrite the Bookmarks file
    cp "/Volumes/Time Machine 1 Passport/Backups.backupdb/MY_COMPUTER_NAME/MY_BACKUP_DATE/Macintosh HD - Data/Users/MY_USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Bookmarks" .
    ( Double quotes are needed, as the path contains spaces, and don’t forget the dot at the end of the command )
  • Close Google Chrome and start it again to re-read the Bookmarks file.

Chef workstation configuration

Install the AWS EC2 drivers

Open a Bash or CMD window in the Chef cookbook folder

  • Install the kitchen-ec2 driver
    chef gem install kitchen-ec2

    More info on the ec2 driver at
  • Add the gem folder to the path
    • On Macintosh
      • Add the path to the ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile file
    • On Ubuntu
      • Add the path to the end of the file with gedit ~/.profilePATH=$HOME/.chefdk/gem/ruby/X.X.X/bin:$PATH
  • Open a new terminal window for the change to take effect
  • Install the  chef-zero-scheduled-task plugin
    chef gem install chef-zero-scheduled-task
  • Install the latest vagrant plugin
    chef gem install kitchen-vagrant

“0 available” cargo in SnowRunner

When you load your own truck with a crane in Snowrunner, make sure you ”pack the cargo”.

It is important to secure it for transport, but most importantly when you deliver it to the drop off location, if the cargo is unpacked, the cargo action shows “0 available”.


In the action menu select ”pack cargo” and enter the ”cargo action” again.

Delta S2302 termosztát programozása

A magyar nyelvű használati utasítást itt láthatod.

Idő és nap beállítása

  1. Nyomd meg a DAY gombot, a napokat jelképező számok villogni kezdenek.
    • A Plusz és Minusz gombokkal válaszd ki a napot, (1 = Hétfő, 7 = Vasárnap)
  2. Nyomd meg a DAY gombot, hogy az óra villogjon,
    • A Plusz és Minusz gombokkal állítsd be az órát,
  3. Nyomd meg a DAY gombot, hogy a perc villogjon,
    • A Plusz és Minusz gombokkal állítsd be a percet,
  4. Nyomd meg a SET gombot a tároláshoz.


Ha a programozás közben 15 másodpercig nem nyomsz meg gombot, a termosztát elmenti a beállításokat és kilép a programozás módból.

Programozás indítása

  1. Tartsd benyomva a SET gombot és egyszer nyomd meg a PROG gombot ( a hét napjai villogni fognak a kijelző tetején ), engedd el a SET gombot.

Hét napjainak a beállítása

Ebben az állásban állítjuk be, hogy a a programok a hét melyik napjain fussanak. A lehetőségek:

  • “12345” (minden hétköznap)
  • “67” (hétvégén)
  • 1234567 (minden nap)
  1. Hogy a program minden nap fusson, addig nyomkodd a Plusz vagy Minusz gombot amíg mind a hét szám (1234567) villog a kijelző tetején.

Program beállítása

  1. Nyomd meg a PROG gombot, a kijelzőn P1 jelenik meg
  2. A Plusz és Minusz gombbal állítsd be a program idejét.
    Az idő a Plusz és Minusz gomb lenyomásával 10 percet fog nőni vagy csökkenni.
    • Ha nem akarod ezt a programot futtatni, nyomd meg a DAY gombot és az idő helyén “–:–” jelenik meg.
    • Ha újra megnyomod a DAY gombot, újra megjelenik a idő.
  3. Nyomd meg a PROG gombot
    • a Plusz és Minusz gombbal állítsd be a hőmérsékletet.
      ( Ha a program nem fog futni, csak vonalakat látsz a hőmérséklet helyén)
  4. Nyomd meg a PROG gombot a P2 program előhívásához, és ismételd meg az idő és hőmérséklet beállítását a 2. ponttól kezdve.

Hőmérséklet érzékenység beállítása

Hogy a termosztát minél kisebb hőingadozást tartson, állítsd be a 0,2 fokos érzékenységet.

  1. Tartsd nyomva a SET gombot és addíg nyomkodd a MODE gombot, amíg S jelenik meg a kijelzőn.
  2. A Plusz és Minusz gombokkal állits be 0,2 fokot.
  3. Nyomd meg the SET gombot a tároláshoz.

Stop iPhone charging at 80%

Apple and battery experts recommend keeping lithium-ion batteries charged between 30% and 80% for a longer life span.

Most people charge their phones overnight, so it is hard to disconnect the charger when the charge level reached 80% even if we set up a notification based on battery condition.

Automatically Stop charging

This post explains how to fully automate the charging process and automatically turn off the charger when the battery charge goes above 80%. If Optimized Battery Charging is on, iOS pauses overnight charging at 80% and finishes charging to 100% by it is time to wake you up, but I noticed, it started to fully charge the phone at 1 am, so there is not much rest for the battery. This automation turns off the charger to keep the battery at an 80% charging level.

Charger reset

There are two ways to turn on the outlet for charging. You can turn it on manually by pushing a button or using the app which came with it, or you can set up another automation to turn the outlet on when the battery level falls below 80%. With this setting, you can keep other devices, like iPads charged to 80% always ready for use, while still protecting the battery.

If you have more than 2 devices

If you have more than 2 devices, you need to create additional IFTTT and My Leviton accounts, as the free IFTTT account only allows 5 applets to run, and most likely only one IFTTT account can be connected to a My Leviton account. For the free solution see “If you have more than 2 devices” below.

If you want to charge the same phone at multiple places

To charge the same phone at multiple places link two smart plugs in a My Leviton Activity to control them together. No matter where you plug in your phone, both smart plugs will turn on and off simultaneously based on the battery charge level. See “Charge the same phone at multiple places” below.

Project Cost

The cost of the project per device is around $30.00, the price of a Smart Plug. The applications and services are free to use.

For android phones see the Reddit post

What we need


The only hardware you need is a smart plug,

  • 1 Smart plug

Some of the smart plug brands you can use are

  • Leviton
  • Hive Active Plug
  • Meross
  • VeSync
  • WeMo

Check the IFTTT website at for more compatible brands.

I am using the Leviton D23LP-2RW Decora Smart Wi-Fi Mini Plug-In Dimmer (2nd Gen). It is a dimmer switch, so does not make a clicking noise when it turns on and off. You can purchase it at Amazon for $28.98 at


  • An app to control the smart switch. I use the My Leviton app to control the Leviton smart switch.
  • Shortcuts Apple app on iPhone and iPad to watch the battery level and trigger an action when it is over 80%. iOS 16 installs Shortcuts, for older versions download the free app from the Apple App Store.



Unfortunately, Apple Shortcuts cannot directly control smart switches without a home automation hub, like a 4th generation Apple TV or a HomePod. To avoid these costs we will use IFTTT, a free online service to control the smart switch over the internet.

Set up

Connect to the Smart Switch

  • Plug the smart switch into a power outlet
  • Download the app for your smart switch and connect the app to the smart switch
  • Name the smart switch in the app as Phone charger
  • Turn on the smart switch and temporarily plug a light into it to see when the power turns off.

Create an IFTTT applet

  • Using your web browser on your computer navigate to
  • Create a free IFTTT account by clicking the Get started button

  • Click the sign up link

  • Enter your email address and create a password, or sign up using your Apple, Google, or Facebook credentials

  • Answer a few questions about the type of apps you want to create, your answers do not change anything in this process.
  • On the top of the screen click My Applets

  • In the upper right corner, click Create

  • In the If This box click Add

  • On the Choose a service page type webhooks into the search box and click the Webhooks icon

  • Select Receive a web request

  • Click the Connect button

  • Enter a name for the event and click the Create trigger button. Use letters, numbers, and underscores only for the event name.

  • In the Then That box click the Add button

  • On the Choose a service page search for the app of your smart switch. In this example, we will use the My Leviton app.

  • Select Toggle a Leviton Device

  • Click the Connect button

  • Enter the email address and the password of your Leviton or other smart plug automation account and click the Link Your Account button

  • Select the smart switch, set the command to Off, and click the Create action button

  • Click the Continue button

  • Enable the notifications and click the Finish button

  • Enable notifications again

Get your IFTTT key

The long key secures your applet, so others cannot trigger it without knowing it.

  • In the upper right corner of the IFTTT website click the head icon and select My services

  • Click the arrow of the Webhooks item

  • Click the Documentation button

  • Make sure the smart switch is on.
  • Enter the name of the event into the URL and click the Test it button

  • A message should appear on the top of the screen and the smart switch should turn off.

  • Copy the URL of the event including your key
  • To transfer the URL to your phone, send the URL to yourself in an email.
  • Open the email on your phone and copy the URL to the clipboard with the copy command.

Create the automation

On iPhone and iPad, we will create automation to call the URL of the IFTTT applet

  • Open the Shortcuts built-in Apple app

  • At the bottom select Automation and select Create Personal Automation

  • Select Battery Level

  • Set the slider to 80% and select Rises Above 80%, and click Next

  • In the Search for apps and actions field type get contents

  • Select Get Contents of URL

  • Paste the URL into the URL field

  • Tap the arrow in the lower right corner to test the action. The smart plug should turn off in a few seconds. Tap Next in the upper right corner to go to the next page.

  • Turn off Ask before Running to execute the shortcut automatically

  • Select Don’t Ask

  • Temporarily you can turn on Notify When Run during testing. Later the notification may wake you up, so when testing is completed you can turn the feature off. Click Done.

  • Exit the Shortcuts app

Stop phone charging at 80%

  • Plug the smart switch into a power outlet
  • Plug the phone charger into the smart switch
  • Plug the charging cable into your phone. Make sure the phone battery is charged less than 80%.
  • Turn on the smart switch

Charging starts and will stop when the battery is changed to 81%.

IFTTT applet maintenance

To edit an IFTTT applet

  • On the top of the screen select My Applets

  • Click the applet to edit

  • To edit the title of the applet click the Edit title link

  • To edit the applet actions click the Settings button in the upper right corner of the page

  • Click the Edit or Delete links in the upper right corner of the panels

To disable an IFTTT applet

  • On the top of the screen select My Applets

  • Click the applet to disable

  • Click the Connected button, it should change to Click to connect.

  • In the upper left corner click the Back button

To delete an IFTTT applet

There is no delete function, but you can archive applets, so later you can restore them.

  • In the upper right corner click the My Applets button

  • Click the applet to archive (delete)

  • Click the Archive link

IFTTT Service maintenance

If you lose connection to a service and want to reconnect to it, or want to delete a connection to a service visit the My Services page.

  • In the upper right corner of the IFTTT web site click the head and select My Services
  • Select the service

  • In the upper right click the Settings button

  • On the page, you can view the Activity log, Reconnect or Disconnect the service.

If you have more than 2 devices

Your free IFTTT account only allows 5 applets to run. One device requires two applets, one to turn the changer on when the battery level falls below 80%, and another one to turn it off when the battery level goes above 80%. If you have more than 2 devices, you need new IFTTT and My Leviton accounts. It looks like IFTTT does not allow multiple IFTTT accounts to connect to the same My Leviton account, but you can share the Leviton devices between multiple My Leviton accounts.

  • Add all Leviton devices to the main My Leviton account.
  • Create a new My Leviton account for the additional device and verify the email address.
  • In the My Leviton app of the main account invite the new My Leviton account.
    • At the bottom of the screen tap the “hamburger menu” icon

    • In the menu select Users

    • In the upper right corner tap the Plus sign

    • Enter the email address of the new My Leviton account, select the residence you want to allow access to, and tap the Invite button

    • Accept the invitation of the new My Leviton account sent to the new account’s email address.
  • Create a new free IFTTT account with the new email address.
    • Create the applets for the new device in the new IFTTT account and connect it to the new My Leviton account.

Charge the same phone at multiple places

If you want to charge the same phone at multiple places, link two smart plugs together in an Activity and control the activity from IFTTT.

Create a My Leviton activity

In the My Leviton app create two activities: My phone chargers on and My phone chargers off.

  • In the My Leviton app tap the Activities button at the bottom of the screen and tap the plus sign

  • Select the devices to group together

  • Set on or off for the action and click Next

  • Select an icon and click Next

  • Enter a name for the Activity

In IFTTT select the Activity to control

  • When you create the action

  • Select My Leviton

  • Select Run a Leviton Activity

  • Select the Activity

iOS 16 recommended settings

Apple introduced iOS 16 on September 2022. These are the new features of the operating system:

I have collected some recommended settings changes for iOS 16. To change them open the Settings app on the iPhone.



  • Touch
    • Tap or swipe to Wake – off
    • Prevent Lock to End Call – on
    • Face ID & Attention
      • Haptic on Successful Authentication – on


  • Battery percentage – on

Display & Brightness

  • Auto-Lock – 5 minutes
  • Raise to Wake – off
  • Always On – off
  • Display Zoom – Larger Text

Sounds & Haptics

    • Change with Buttons – on