Java Spring MVC web application configuration in NetBeans 8

When you create a Java Spring MVC web application or make changes to an existing one, it is important to know the location of configuration values. Java package name The Java package name is stored in Every .java file package MY_PACKAGE_NAME pom.xml file <configuration> <mainClass>com.objectdb.Enhancer</mainClass> <arguments> <argument>MY_PACKAGE_NAME.MY_MAIN_CLASS_NAME</argument> </arguments> </configuration> .jsp file <%@page import=”MY_PACKAGE_NAME.*”%> <jsp:useBean id=”MY_BEAN_ID” type=”MY_PACKAGE_NAME.MY_DAO_CLASS_NAME” …

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No output folder

This error can happen on Linux and Windows, and the cause could be the same. On Windows Server 2012R2 I opened a command prompt. To be able to delete a directory from the Tomcat webapps folder, I have issued the shutdown command. When I started the server with the startup command, and navigated to my local …

Only persistence units with transaction type JTA can be used as a container managed entity manager

NetBeans can use multiple deployment servers. When your web application uses the Entity Framework and you select the Glassfish server as the deployment server, you can get the error message when you try to run your application in the IDEÉ Severe: Exception while preparing the app : The persistence-context-ref-name […] in module […] resolves to a …

Git Bash and Command Prompt cannot see the VirtualBox shared folder on Windows 10 guest

When you start a Windows 10 guest machine in VirtualBox on your workstation, you can set up shared folders to seamlessly copy files between your workstation and the Windows 10 guest machine. The shared folder appears in Windows Explorer as a mapped network location. For more on this see Configure the Windows virtual machine in VirtualBox …

Refresh the environment variables in the Windows Command Prompt and PowerShell window

When the Windows Command Prompt and PowerShell windows open, they read the environment variables from the registry. If another process changes the value of an environment variable or creates a new one, the already open windows don’t reflect those changes. To reload the environment variables into open Command Prompt and PowerShell windows execute refreshenv

Install Git on Windows

If you use two-factor authentication see Create a Personal Access Token to use it as password in the command line tools at Switching to 2-factor authentication in GitHub Navigate to to download Git for Windows. The page automatically downloads the installer for the operating system you use. Install the application Accept the default values, including these: Make …

Install Chocolatey

The Chocolatey home page is at Install Chocolatey Navigate to the Chocolatey website at and follow the latest instructions. At the time of writing the instructions were Using the Command prompt Open a command prompt as Administrator, Install Chocolatey with the command @”%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe” -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’))” && SET “PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin” Using …

The instance ID ‘…’ does not exist

When you launch an EC2 instance in AWS and the Chef script is trying to set tags on the instance you may get the error message: The instance ID ‘…’ does not exist It can happen when you launch the instance in one AWS account, and the tagging script tries to find the instance in another …

Determine the Windows PowerShell version

To reliably display the version of the Windows PowerShell engine Open a PowerShell command window, Execute the command, $PSVersionTable.PSVersion PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion Major Minor Build   Revision —–   —–   ——-  ——- 5       1        16299  64 If no value is displayed, the version is 1.0, as it does not have the referenced …

How to create a slideshow in Drupal 7

To create a slideshow in Drupal 7 Create a Slideshow content Log into Drupal as administrator In the top menu select Content and Add content On the Add Content page select Slideshow On the Create Slideshow page enter the title of the page, and populate the fields for the images. Click the Choose File to upload the …