Remove the 2014 Honda CR-V EX center console

There is a great post at on the steps to remove the center console of the 2014 Honda CR-V EX by Jepalan. I have copied his description and added my photos to help others in the process. This is in a 2014 CRV EX that does NOT have NAV, Heated Seats, Factory Amp, or Rear Entertainment …

The ham radio restarts when the push to talk button is released

I have installed a new Kenwood TM-281A ham radio in my car. The power is filtered by a Kenwood PG-3B noise filter. When I opened the package of the noise filter, I have noticed some burnt smell but did not pay much attention. The radio transmitted perfectly, but when I released the push to talk button, the …

Generate SQL script from Entity Framework migration script

It is not recommended to execute Entity Framework migration scripts in production, It is important that you execute all SQL steps manually on the production database section-by-section to immediately see the result and be able to recover in case a destructive action goes wrong. The Visual Studio .NET application templates contain Entity Framework migration scripts to …

DbUpdateConcurrencyException: Database operation expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 0 row(s). Data may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded.

The .NET Core Entity framework makes database access easy. When you auto-generate a Razor page in a .NET web application to edit a data row, the scaffolding places controls on the page for every column. There are columns in most of the tables that we don’t want to display or edit, like keys, checksums, password …

Splunk App for AWS

To collect data from AWS install the Splunk App for AWS plugin. The app currently can collect information from AWS Config, Config Rules, CloudTrail, Inspector, CloudWatch, CloudWatch Logs, Billing, S3, Kinesis, Metadata. New data source To set up a new data source, click the Set up button Already set up data source To add a …

Skip steps in an InSpec integration test based on Chef attribute values

To speed up the test of some complex recipes, I use an attribute to skip certain long-running installations when I only need to test the rest of the recipe. We will pass Chef Attribute values into an InSpec test using environment variables. Declare an attribute in the atrributes.rb file with a safe default value, to allow the …

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

When you add a dependency reference to a Java project, it may compile without any errors, but runtime you may get an error message similar to this: HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error Type Exception Report Message An exception occurred processing JSP page [/index.jsp] at line [1] Description The server encountered an unexpected condition …

Java Spring MVC web application configuration in NetBeans 8

When you create a Java Spring MVC web application or make changes to an existing one, it is important to know the location of configuration values. Java package name The Java package name is stored in Every .java file package MY_PACKAGE_NAME pom.xml file <configuration> <mainClass>com.objectdb.Enhancer</mainClass> <arguments> <argument>MY_PACKAGE_NAME.MY_MAIN_CLASS_NAME</argument> </arguments> </configuration> .jsp file <%@page import=”MY_PACKAGE_NAME.*”%> <jsp:useBean id=”MY_BEAN_ID” type=”MY_PACKAGE_NAME.MY_DAO_CLASS_NAME” …

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No output folder

This error can happen on Linux and Windows, and the cause could be the same. On Windows Server 2012R2 I opened a command prompt. To be able to delete a directory from the Tomcat webapps folder, I have issued the shutdown command. When I started the server with the startup command, and navigated to my local …

Only persistence units with transaction type JTA can be used as a container managed entity manager

NetBeans can use multiple deployment servers. When your web application uses the Entity Framework and you select the Glassfish server as the deployment server, you can get the error message when you try to run your application in the IDEÉ Severe: Exception while preparing the app : The persistence-context-ref-name […] in module […] resolves to a …