Set the ASUS ROG Strix laptop keyboard key colors one-by-one

For certain games it is very useful to set the keyboard background colors based on their function in the game. You can group keys by color to find them easier during game play.

Create the effect

The effect contains the color of each key or key group.

  • Open the ARMOURY CRATE preinstalled application
  • On the Aura Sync page select the Aura effects tab, and click the Aura Creator button
  • Click the Device button, hold the CTRL key and select the keys to cerate a group, and click the Set as layer button
  • Right-click the name of the layer and select Rename
  • Enter the new name and hit Enter
  • Drag down the Static effect to the timeline
  • Make sure all layers have the same length, and start at the beginning of the timeline, otherwise a lightshow is created.
  • In the upper right corner click the color indicator
  • Select the color and click OK
  • Drag the layers to order them, the top layer will cover the lower layers. This way you can create a base layer with a single color for all keys (press CTRL-A to select all keys) and build the rest on top of it
  • When all layers have been created click the Save & apply button in the upper right corner
  • Enter the name of the effect and click the Save button

Assign the effect to the application

  • Return to the Armoury Crate application
  • Select the Game Library page
  • Select Create Scenario Profile
    • To select another, or add more application to the scenario, click the See Options button
    • Scroll down for more selections, or click the Cannot find app link to browse for the application
  • Click Aura Sync
  • Select the effect
  • Click the Save button in the lower right corner

Update the effect

  • While playing the game, you can switch back to the Aura Creator and update the effect
  • Click the Save & apply button to update the effect. The change will apply immediately.

Getting to the Mun and back in Kerbal Space Program 2

Install the recommended mods

There are mods for Kerbal Space Program 2 which make space flight much easier. We will not use “cheats”, these mods display the necessary information for easier maneuver node configuration, manual burn execution, and docking. We recommend the following mods:

  • Maneuver Node Controller
  • Docking Alignment
  • Micro Engineer

Launch to orbit around Kerbin


As the Mun’s orbital plane is parallel to the equator of Kerbin, launch the vessel Due East (90°) with 0 ° inclination.

Match the target planet’s inclination

While still in Kerbin orbit, match the plane of the target planet’s orbit.

Injection burn

We will stretch our orbit to reach the Mun’s sphere of influence.

Set the control point

As the lander is attached to the command module, make sure you use the command module’s engine, and control the joined spacecraft from the command module. If the lander can is set as the “Control From” location, the burn will slow down the combined space craft and it will crash into Kerbin, instead of speeding it up towards the Mun (been there, done that).

  • Right-click the pod of the command module and select Control From Here

Create the injection burn

  • Click the orbital path and select Create a Maneuver Plan
  • Click the Mun and select Focus to keep the Mun in the center of the screen
  • Right-click the Mun Periapsis to keep the value displayed
  • Using the prograde vector and moving the maneuver, plan an orbit to set the Mun Periapsis to around 10 – 15 km
  • The planning is done at the current Mun location, but the real encounter will happen at another location further down the orbital path of Mun.
  • Start the burn and stop early before your orbit reaches the orbit of the Mun. Delete the maneuver to see the real values on the map. Continue the burn with the low throttle, and when the Mun periapsis node appears on the map, stop the slow burn, and right-click it to keep the value displayed.
  • Continue the low throttle burn to fine-tune the orbit, and watch the number of the Mun periapsis to stop at the planned value.

Capture orbit

  • Create a maneuver at the periapsis, and use the retrograde vector to slow down, and bring the apoapsis closer to the Mun for a circular orbit.
  • Warp ahead to the maneuver and execute the burn. Fine-tune it to reach the planned apoapsis.

Landing on the Mun

To land on the Mun, create a maneuver with a negative periapsis to hit the surface a few kms further away, so you can slow down and start a steeper approach to avoid hills.

  • Place the lander in a 15 km circular orbit
  • Create a maneuver with a retrograde burn to set a -60 km periapsis
  • Move the maneuver to hit the ground a few miles further downrange with three clicks on the right side maneuver time mover button
  • Adjust the latitude with the Normal and Antinormal vectors
  • After the deorbiting burn, set the SAS to retrograde to be able to slow down the craft with the main engines. If the throttle is too sensitive, set the Thrust limiter to a lower number

Orient the space craft

During landing and takeoff it is very important to know which way the lander faces. Unfortunately, if the Lander Can window faces upwards during deorbit and forward when the craft is in vertical direction, as during the real Apollo missions, the WSAD controls tilt the craft in the opposite direction as expected. If we want our kerbonauts to be able to use the window, we need to adjust to this. We can rotate the lander 180 degrees to make maneuvering easier, but we need to remember which way we landed. To be able to rendezvous with the command module, we need to take off in the same direction as we landed.

Land the space craft

Use the altitude above ground to avoid hitting hills and highlands

  • Click the altitude gauge of the Nav Ball to switch to ground altitude

  • Activate the Micro Engineer mod and open the Surface panel


  • At the time of touch down keep the vertical speed below 12 m/s to protect the landing legs.

EVA on the Mun

The Kerbonaut jetpack is very powerful, to be able to lift the Kerbal in a high gravity environment. It is too powerful in the low gravity of the Mun. To be able to make slow, precise movements, right-click the Kerbonaut, and set the Jetpack trust to 50%.

Take off from the Mun

Take off

As we already mentioned above, to be able to rendezvous with the command module, we need to take off in the same direction as we landed.

  • Hover above the Command Module with the mouse to check the altitude of the command module orbit
  • When the Command Module is almost overhead, take off and tilt the craft forward in the same direction as it landed
  • Burn the main engine until the apoapsis reaches the Command Module orbit altitude. MAke sure to keep the correct direction.

Circularize the orbit

As we already did it in Kerbin orbit, create a new maneuver in the apoapsis to bring the periapsis to the same altitude.

Dock with the Command Module

For the docking steps see Docking in Kerbal Space Program 2

Transfer the crew and resources

Before you undock the lander transfer the crew and resources to the Command Module

Transfer the crew

  • Use the Kerbal Manager to transfer the crew

Transfer the resources

  • Use the Resource Manager to transfer the remaining resources from the lander
  • Expand the Monopropellant section to transfer the RCS fuel and electric charge
  • Select the OUT button on the lander and IN button on the Command Module storage, and click START
  • Expand the Methalox section
  • Select the OUT button on the lander and IN button on the Command Module storages, and click START

Going home

To escape the Mun’s sphere of influence, and return to Kerbin, we need to increase the apoapsis retrograde relative to Kerbin.

  • Create a maneuver on the prograde side of the Mun, to increase the apoapsis with a prograde burn until Mun Escape is displayed.
  • At this point the Kerbin periapsis is usually still too high for re-entry.
  • Right-click the Kerbin Periapsis to keep it displayed, adjust the time of the maneuver to minimize the Kerbin periapsis, and adjust the prograde vector to set the periapsis to around 35 km.
  • During the burn, the actual Kerbin periapsis will appear and display the changing value. With low throttle continue the burn until the Kerbin periapsis reaches 35 km height.

Tutorial videos

EVA construction in Kerbal Space Program

To attach parts to spacecraft in orbit you can transport the parts in the cargo hold of your vessel, dock to it and do the upgrade.

Take a ladder

Besides the part, take a mobility enhancer (ladder), so the Kerbal has something to hold on to, and a junior docking port with you to temporarily dock the vessel.


For construction in orbit, you need an engineer on board.


Make sure the astronaut only has the necessary equipment in their inventory. By default they have a parachute and an EVA pack in this order. If you take them outside for an EVA they take the parachute, and if they let go the hatch, lost forever. For EVA gave them only the EVA pack.

  • Right-click the module the astronaut is in
  • Move the EVA pack to the first place in the inventory
  • Move the parachute to another module


Approach the vessel (see and start an EVA with the engineer.

The astronaut has access to inventories in closeby vessels, so keep both vessels close to each other.

You can practice orbital construction on the launch pad and the runway.

  • Make sure the Kerbal in EVA is in a stable position, preferably grabbing one of the vessels, as during construction you cannot control them, and they can drift away.
  • Click the Build icon on the toolbar on the left side.
  • Grab a part from the inventory and place it on the target vessel.
  • Rotate the parts with the A S D Q W E buttons, use the left Shift for fine rotation. Hold Alt to snap to nodes on the vessel.

Tutorial video

Ooni Pizza Oven Tips and Tricks

As we learn to use our Ooni pizza oven we would like to share our findings to help other pizza lovers in the process. I am sure these tips apply to other ovens too.

The dough preparation matters

As the pizza is baked on the hot pizza stone in the oven, you cannot easily remove the stone during baking. You need dough that does not stick to the pizza peel and the stone. If it sticks, you cannot put it in the oven, or you cannot remove it from the oven. If parts of the pizza stay in the hot oven it starts to burn with a considerable flame. During the dough preparation, you can take some steps to make it easier to work with it, so it slides off the peel, and you can remove it from the oven to rotate it after 20 seconds.

  • If you make more than one pizza, use a scale and measure the dough portions to create similar size pizzas, so you don’t end up with a big one that does not fit in the oven.
  • Roll up the dough into small balls by tightening one surface (the tight surface will slide easier)
  • Let the ball sit on the table for a few minutes (this will create a light crust that slides better)
  • Put flour in a bowl and cover the smooth surface with flour to slide better
  • Place the dough with the smooth surface down on the board when you put the sauce on it (it slides better)


Pizza is baked in a very hot oven, but you don’t want to burn it.

  • Pre-heat the stone to 752 °F ( 400 °C) on the high gas flame,
  • Reduce the gas flame to the minimum before you put the pizza into the oven to avoid burning it,
  • Rotate the pizza every 20-30 seconds to bake it evenly. You can pull it out with the pizza peel rotate it and slide it back, or you can use a turning peel to rotate it in the oven.

Vékony Pizza

Elegendő 2 nagy pizzához.


2 vékony nagy, vagy 1 vastag nagy pizzához

  • 175 ml (3/4 bögre) langyos (40-43 °C) víz ( körülbelül 20 másodpercig melegítsük a mikróban )
  • 1/4 teáskanál cukor
  • 1 teáskanál por élesztő ( 1/2 csomag )
  • 310 g (2 bögre) finomliszt elosztva 270 g (1-3/4 bögre) és 39 g (1/4 bögre)
  • 1/2 teáskanál só

2 vastag nagy pizzához

  • 350 ml (1-1/2 bögre) langyos (40-43 °C) víz ( körülbelül 30 másodpercig melegítsük a mikróban )
  • 1/2 teáskanál cukor
  • 2 teáskanál por élesztő ( 1 csomag )
  • 620 g (4 bögre) finomliszt elosztva 540 g (3-1/2 bögre) és 77 g ( 1/2 bögre)
  • 1 teáskanál só


  1. Keverjük össze a langyos vizet, cukrot és élesztőt egy kicsi edényben. Várjunk 10 percet, vagy amíg felhabzik.
  2. A dagasztógép edényében 3-5 percig keverjük össze a nagyobb rész lisztet ( a kis rész lisztből akkor adunk hozzá, ha a tészta túl ragacsos), sót és az élesztő keveréket a dagasztó hurokkal. A tészta kész, amikor lágy és rugalmas, és tisztán lejön az edény faláról.
  3. Ha vékony pizzát készítünk, kelesztés nélkül azonnal dolgozhatunk vele.
  4. Ha vastag pizzát készítünk, vagy aznap később akarunk pizzát készíteni, formázzunk gömböt a tésztából és tegyük egy kiolajozott edénybe. Olajozzuk be a tésszta gömböt is és takarjuk le az edényt fóliával vagy fedéllel.
  5. Ha vastag pizzát készítünk, kelesszük 30 percig, vagy tegyük be a hőtőbe amíg dolgozni kezdünk vele.
  6. Ha nem akarunk aznap pizzát sütni, fagyasszuk le a a tésztát.


  • Melegítsük elő a sütőt a legmagasabb lehetséges hőmérsékletre.
  • Ha 290 °C-on sütünk, a pizza 8 – 10 perc alatt elkészül.

Thin-Crust Pizza


For 1 large thick, or 2 large thin-crust pizzas

  • 3/4 cup (6 fl oz) warm (105-110 °F) water ( around 20 seconds in the microwave )
  • 1/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon active dry yeast ( 1/2 package )
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour divided to 1-3/4 cups and 1/4 cups
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

For 2 large thick-crust pizzas

  • 1-1/2 cup (12 fl oz) warm (105-110 °F) water ( around 30 seconds in the microwave )
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 teaspoons active dry yeast ( 1 package )
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour divided to 4-1/2 cups and 1/2 cups
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  1. In a small bowl whisk the water, sugar, and yeast together, Let it sit for about 10 minutes or until it froths up.
  2. In the bowl of the mixer mix together the larger portion of the flour, (add some flour from the small portion if the dough is too sticky), salt, and yeast mixture with the dough hook for about 3-5 minutes or until the dough is soft and elastic. It is done when it comes clean down from the side.
  3. To make thin crust pizza, use the dough without proofing.
  4. For thick crust pizza, or to use it later the same day, shape the dough into a ball and put it into an oiled bowl. Also, rub the dough with oil and cover it with a foil wrap or a lid.
  5. For thick crust pizza proof it for 30 minutes.
  6. To use it on another day freeze the dough.


  • Preheat the oven to the highest temperature it can provide.
  • If we bake on 550 °F, the pizza is done in 8 – 10 minutes.

Kerbal Space Program mods

Here are some recommended mods for Kerbal Space Program.

Most of them don’t introduce new parts, don’t alter the save file, just provide additional functionality to make your Kerbal’s life less stressful.

Mod installation

When you install or update a mod, exit from Kerbal Space Program and start it again. The mod files are loaded during program startup.


CKAN – Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network is a mod library to find and install Kerbal Space Program mods from a user interface.


  • Download CKAN from
  • Move the downloaded file into the Kerbal Space Program game folder
  • Create a shortcut to the file and place it in the Desktop, Start Menu or the Taskbar
    • Double-click the executable to start it
    • Allow the program to create a handler for CKAN URLS

    • Right-click the CKAN icon in the Taskbar and select Pin the taskbar


  • Select the mod in the list
  • Click the Apply changes button

  • CKAN displays the list of dependencies to be also installed

  • In the lower right corner click the Apply button to start the installation

Import manually installed mods into CKAN

If the mod in the list has AD in front of the line, it was manually installed in the Gamedata folder of the game. If you “Upgrade” those mods in CKAN, CKAN can check the compatibility, install updates, uninstall the mod. To have CKAN manage the manually installed mods

Display the upgradeable mods
  • In the upper right click the arrow at the end of the search field

  • In the lower left select Upgradeable
Upgrade the mods
  • Select the existing mods and click the Apply changes button

  • Click the Apply button in the lower right corner

For more info see

Recommended mods

Docking Port Alignment IndicatorThe Docking Port Alignment Indicator is designed to help you dock manually, by presenting target alignment and relative position in a clean and intuitive manner.
Kerbal Engineer ReduxKerbal Engineer reveals important statistics about your ship and its orbit during building and flight.
MechJeb2Autopilot for docking, rendezvous, etc.
HyperEditHyperEdit is a plugin for Kerbal Space Program, that allows you to teleport any ship, and edit any orbit – even the planets!
Transfer Window Planner – Fork
(This version of the original mod shows the required parking orbit plane for more efficient ejection burn.)
Lets you visualize planetary transfer efficiency in-game. Using it you can select your planet of Origin and planet of Destination and it will present you with details about the required Delta-V to travel from Origin to Destination.,travel%20from%20Origin%20to%20Destination.
Kerbal Attachment SystemIt adds winches, pulleys, harpoons, and pipes. Now you can transfer resources in space without docking the two spacecrafts together.
Trajectories Provides forecasts of the trajectory where your spaceship might land while it adjusts the trajectory for any atmospheric disturbance.
BetterTimeWarpContinuedCustomizable Time Warp, and Lossless Physics Warp
Visual enhancements
Parallax(2.0)Parallax(2.0) completely reimagines the surfaces of planets. It combines a tessellation and displacement shader as well as vastly improves the terrain detailParallax was developed alongside Scatterer, so it is recommended for the best results to use them both together.
EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements (a.k.a. EVE)
This mod adds clouds, city lights and tweaks everything up.
Waterfall – RestockThis mods gives the plumes much lifelike textures at very good framerates.
Pood’s skyboxes:
– Pood’s Calm Nebula Skybox
– Pood’s Deep Star Map Skybox
– Pood’s Milky Way Skybox
This provides very nice star coverage in x-y-z direction.

A great list of mods with explanation is at

CKAN is a mod loading application, see it at

Realism Overhaul (KSP-RO)

Description from

Realism Overhaul is a mod that makes Kerbal Space Program behave more like real life. If you’re interested in seeing what it’s like to fly rockets in the real world, this is the mod for you! Realism Overhaul does this by combining and configuring other mods, and mod and stock parts to perform as their real-life equivalents. You can expect things to be a little harder, and rockets to be a bit bigger, but the scenes far more epic, and the accomplishment that much greater.

Some of the most signfiicant changes include:

  • Engines have real sizes and performance values, and use real fuels. Most of them have limited ignitions and suffer from ullage.
  • Pods are as large as their real-life counterparts and weigh what they should.
  • Propellant tanks have correct dry mass ratios.
  • Solar panels don’t produce massive amounts of energy, but they are lighter. Similarly reaction wheels aren’t magically powerful anymore (though they still don’t require momentum dumping).

What KSP-RO installs

Kerbal Space Program Realism Overhaul adds the following folders

Ships (adds realistic ships to the selection)

Currently, it does not overwrite any files, so deleting the GameData\EngineGroupController and GameData\RealismOverhaul you can restore the game to the original state. The added ships do not change the gameplay.

KSP-RO Installation

  • Download the the latest build from
  • Unzip the file into a directory
  • Copy the contents into the Kerbal Space Program main directory, usually
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program”
    (where the KSP_x64.exe file is located).

Using Kerbal Space Program

Rename the spacecraft

To rename a launched spacecraft

  • In the Tracking Station select the vessel
  • In the lower right corner click the Info button
  • Double-click the name of the vessel to change the name and the image

Rename docking ports

Install a mod

To rename docking ports install the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod from

Exit Kerbal Space Program and start it again.

To rename docking ports

  • Switch to the vessel you want to rename the port on
  • Right-click the docking port on your vessel
  • Click the Rename Port button