Spacecraft specs in Kerbal Space Program

These are notes on the specifications of spacecraft for specific purposes.

Spacecraft to go to orbit

Rotate the spacecraft 90 degrees with “Q” so the pod hatch faces you in the VAB, the spacecraft heading 90 degrees on the launch pad for easier control with the elevator.

PartModel (symmetry)NotesStage
ParachuteMK16Min pressure = 0.6
Altitude = 1000
Command podMk1This should be the first part of the craft
Heat shield1.25 m
Upper stage
Decoupler TD-121
RCS fuel tankFL-R120Monopropellant = 100/250
Fuel tankFL-T100
Fuel tankFL-T400

RCS Truster block(4) RV-105On top of FL-T400 fuel tank
Battery(4) Z-100 Rechargeable battery packOn bottom of FL-T400 fuel tank
Solar panels(4) OX-STAT Photovoltaic panelsOn bottom of FL-T400 fuel tank
set Toggle Snap to 6 sided before placing it
rotate 90 degrees to horizontal
EngineLV-909 “Terrier” Liquid fuel engine2
Decoupler TD-123
Fuel tankFL-T400
Fuel tankFL-T400
Winglet(4) AV-R8On lower FL-T400 fuel tank
Radial decoupler for solid fuel boosters(2) TT-38KOn lower FL-T400 fuel tank4
Booster engines(2) RT-10 “Hammer” Solid fuel boosteron radial coupler
with “aerodynamic nose cone”
Booster main engineLV-T45 “Swivel” Liquid fuel engineTrust limiter = 655

To launch the space station modules to low Kerbin orbit

PartModel (symmetry)NotesStage
The station module
Upper stage
DecouplerTD-25 DecouplerThis will release the payload0
FairingAE-FF2 Airstream protective shell (2.5 m)1
Remote guidance unitRC-L01 Remote guidance unit
Fuel tankRockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank
Solar panelsOX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic panels (4)
BatteriesZ-400 Rechargeable Battery (4)
EngineRE-L10 “Poodle” Liquid Fuel Engine2
DecouplerTD-25 Decoupler3
Fuel tankRockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel TankOrange variant looks great
Radial decouplerTT-38K Radial Decoupler (4)On main fuel tank4
Main center engineRE-M3 “Mainsail” Liquid Fuel Engine5
Booster fuel tanksFL-T800 Fuel Tank ( 2 x 4)On radial decouplers
with “aerodynamic nose cone”
with EAS-4 Strut connectors to attach the top (3) and bottom (1) to the main fuel tank
Booster enginesLV-T45 “Swivel” Liquid Fuel Engnies (4)5
WingletsAV-R8 Winglets (4)On the main fuel tank

Tie down the payload

  • When the payload is attached make sure to select “Autostrut heaviest part” of every payload items.

Using FreeCAD

View rotation

Preset view rotations

Use the icons in the toolbar for preset rotations

Free view rotation

Press the shift key and rotate the view with the right mouse button.
See for more options.

To cut a hole

  • Create the object
  • Create a cylinder for the hole
  • Position the cylinder where the hole should be
  • On the left side of the “Part” workbench select the Model tab
  • First select the base object, after that the hole object
  • On the toolbar select the Cut icon
  • On the left side set the object as the base, the hole as the tool

Multiply objects

Create an array to multiply objects

To arrange the objects along a circle, create a polar array

  • Switch to the “Draft” workbench
  • Select the object to multiply
  • In the Modification menu select Array, Polar array
  • On the left side set the
  • Click the center of the circle to set the Center of rotation

Export part for 3D printing

Export from FreeCAD

To make sure the exported mesh contains the final object including all cuts

  • On the Model tab select the top level nodes
  • In the File menu select Export
  • Export as .stl

Convert the .stl file to .gcode in Cura

  • Open the .stl file in Ultimaker – Cura
  • Set the printer-specific parameters
  • Save the project in .3mf file for further modifications
  • Export the file to .gcode for 3D printing

Flying spacecraft in Kerbal Space Program


F5Quick save the game
ZFull throttle
Left ShiftThrottle up
Left ControlThrottle down
XStop engine
TToggle SRS on and off
FTemporarily toggle SRS
Caps LockExact control mode
RToggle RCS on and off
MToggle map view
VCamera mode: Auto, Free, Orbital, Chase, Locked
“[” or “]”Cycles through nearby vessels.
` (backtick)Focus view on the current spacecraft

Avoid accidental staging

When you are in orbit and you don’t want to accidentally stage parts of the spacecraft, hide the staging panels.

  • Click the Display Staging button to hide the staging panel.
  • The Stage light will turn light red.

Time Warp

  • Press the period (.) key to speed up time, and press the comma (,) to slow down
  • Click the Time Warp indicator to change the Warp speed
  • Click the orbit and select Warp Here to time warp to that point

Warp to sunrise

Launch and docking are sometimes hard to do in darkness. Click the Warp to Sunrise button to advance the time to sunrise. Make sure no collision happens during the time change.

Flight information

In the Map view

Apoapsis and Periapsis

Hover above the “Ap” (Apoapsis) and “Pe” (Periapsis) icons to view the changing numbers, and right-click them to keep the numbers displayed.

Flight control

The NavBall

The NavBall symbols

Manual flight control

As we rotated the craft 90 degrees in the VAB, use the up (W) and down (S) keys to turn East.

Automatic attitude control

To enable automatic flight control after launch

  • Turn on SRS with “T” and
  • Click the Target icon

Automatic maneuver orientation

To automatically rotate the spacecraft to the maneuver marker

  • Turn on SRS with “T” and
  • Click the Maneuver icon

Note: You still have to initiate the burn, this is just for automatic spacecraft orinetation.

Automatic prograde orientation

To speed up the spacecraft keep it aligned prograde during the burn

  • Turn on SRS with “T” and
  • Click the Prograde icon

Automatic retrograde orientation

To slow down the spacecraft, keep it aligned retrograde during the burn

  • Turn on SRS with “T” and
  • Click the Retrograde icon

Changing orbit

Going to orbit

Start pitching east at 60 m/s speed. Slowly keep pitching over, always aiming about ~5-10° below your current prograde marker. If the spacecraft is long, the air resistance can flip the ship.

Maintain this until your map’s apoapsis point is at about 80 km.

  • 200 m/s 75°
  • 300 m/s 65°
  • 400 m/s 65°
  • Stage solid boosters
  • 500 m/s 60°
  • 530 m/s 50°
  • 600 m/s 40°
  • 700 m/s 30°
  • 800 m/s 25°
  • Stage lower-stage
  • Start upper-stage engine
  • 900 m/s 15°
  • 1100 m/s 10°
  • 1500 m/s 5°
  • Stop the engine when the apoapsis is 80 km (this already happens around 2000 m/s speed and 60 km altitude with the periapsis around -54 km)
  • Create and execute a maneuver at apoapsis to raise the periapsis to 80 km

Changing Apoapsis and Periapsis altitudes

  • To change the altitude of the Apoapsis and Periapsis burn at the opposite point.
    • To raise the Periapsis, at the Apoapsis turn prograde and start a burn. (Fine tune with radial in burn.)
    • To lower the Periapsis, at the Apoapsis turn retrograde and start a burn. (Fine tune with radial out burn.)
  • Click the Apopsis or Periapsis to place a Maneuver
  • On the Maneuver panel, open the Graphical Maneuver Editor
  • Set the “Scale”, the value of one click
  • Click the symbols to adjust the orbit

Return from orbit

To return from orbit lower the Periapsis to 32 km. The atmosphere will slow down the spacecraft preventing it to reach Apoapsis again.

  • At the Apoapsis turn retrograde and continue to burn until the Periapsis lowers to 32 km.
  • Open the parachute below the speed of sound (330 m/s) when the G force reduces to close to 0, around 100-150 m/s speed, at a height of around 3-5 km.

Maneuver nodes

We can set up maneuvers ahead of time and the spacecraft will execute them at the correct time with the correct burn length.

Create a maneuver node

  • Click the orbit and select Add Maneuver to place a maneuver node

Set up the maneuver

  • Pull the handles to plan to change the speed of the spacecraft into that direction. Watch the orbit to make sure you reach your desired destination. The farther you pull the handle the faster the orbit changes. Release the handle to stop the orbit change.
  • Watch the Apoapsis and Periapsis display to see the result of the burn

Delay and delete the maneuver

  • First, click the maneuver node to show the handles
  • Right-click the inner circle to switch to the other view
  • Click the red X to delete the node, the plus and minus icons to increment and decrement the orbit counter to delay the execution of the maneuver.

Execute the maneuver

  • Click the dashed planned orbit line and select Warp to Next Maneuver to move the time to 90 seconds before the maneuver
  • Rotate the spacecraft to align it with the blue cross on the NavBall
  • Split the burn duration around the node time, so start the burn before its time by half of its duration. Start a one-minute burn at T minus 30 seconds.
  • If the burn is very short, less than a few seconds, execute the burn with the low throttle for better control.
    • If you burn with the lowest setting, it is approximately 6.66% power. In this setting, you have to run the engine for 15 times longer than the estimated burn. So a 1-second full throttle estimated burn needs 15 seconds of low throttle burn. So start the burn at T – 7 seconds to center the burn around the maneuver time.

Stop the burn at the correct moment

To make sure you cut off the engine at the right moment, watch the resulting Periapsis or Apoapsis number, do not entirely rely on the calculated burn time.

  • Right-click the blue Periapsis or Apoapsis icon of the actual orbit to keep the number displayed, or open the Maneuver Node panel.
  • During the burn, watch the number change and stop the burn when it reaches the planned amount.

Close the maneuver

If you have already reached the correct orbit and the maneuver is no longer needed

  • Click the red X or green check mark to delete the maneuver

Warp to a location

To warp to a location on the orbit

  • Click the point on the solid orbit line where you want to warp to and select Warp Here

To warp to the next maneuver

  • Click anywhere on the dashed planned orbit and select Warp to Next Maneuver

    OR if the solid and dashed lines overlap
  • Click the Maneuver Mode button in the lower left corner to open the maneuver dashboard

  • Click the Warp to Next Maneuver button on the ORBIT display in the lower-left corner of the screen

  • Click the Next Maneuver button on the ORBIT display to go to the next maneuver
  • Click the Warp to Next Maneuver button on the MANEUVER display

Spacecraft construction in Kerbal Space Program

Key bindings

SRotate part up
WRotate part down
ARotate part left (flat)
DRotate part right (flat)
QRotate part left
ERotate part right
Shift + W/S/A/D/Q/ERotate parts in 5° instead of 90° steps
SpaceReset part rotation
` (back quote)Search part
DeleteDelete selected part
1Place Mode
2Offset Mode
3Rotate Mode
4Root Mode
FIn Place mode: Toggle Symmetry between vessel or parent part
FIn Offset mode: Toggle between absolute or load centered offset
FIn Rotate mode: Toggle between absolute or relative rotation
RToggle Symmetry Method between mirror or radial
XCycle symmetry settings (next)
Shift + XCycle symmetry settings (previous)
CToggle Angle Snap
EnterReset staging list
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Mod (hold)Disable surface attach/exclusively use node attach
Shift + Left-clickMove the entire ship
The “Shift + Left-click” on any part of the ship to grab the entire craft, and release the mouse button to move it.
Left-click again to release it.
Control + Left-clickNavigate to clicked part in the part list
Mod + Left-clickDuplicate part or assembly in VAB

Placing Parts

To place the part to the correct location align the white dot to the parent where the part should be placed.

  • For successful staging, make sure the solid rocket boosters are attached to the radial decouplers.

    No matter where you grab the booster, the white dot always appears in the middle, so place one radial decoupler where the middle of the booster will be.


Place RCS blocks with 3 or 4 symmetry at the top and bottom of the craft equidistant from the Center of Mass (CoM). If more RCS blocks are needed, place them close to the Center of Mass (CoM).

Save on monopropellant

If your vessel has reaction wheels, you don’t need to waste fuel to rotate the craft. We can select what actions will the RCS system perform.

Enable Advanced Tweakables

  • In the space center press ESC to open the pause menu, and select Settings
  • Scroll down and enable Advanced Tweakables, and click the Accept button

Disable the rotation functions

  • Right-click the RCS truster block and select Show Actuation Toggles
  • Disable Yaw, Pitch, Roll
  • If you used symmetry to place the trusters, the others in the same group will be adjusted, but you still need to set up the rest of the groups of the craft.
  • As the Cupola has its own RCS trusters, configure those too


Stage 0 is for the parachute, the largest number is for the boosters.

Breaking up groups with symmetry

When you place parts with symmetry, those move together when you rearrange them in staging. To break up the symmetry groups

  • Click the part you don’t want to move to unselect it
  • Drag the rest of the (still selected) parts to the new stage

Spacecraft alignment

As you enter the VAB, you are standing on the West side of the VAB, facing East. When the pod is placed on the spacecraft, the astronauts (and the automatic probe cores) are facing North, so you have to yaw right for the Eastern gravity turn. Rotate the pod 90 degrees with “Q” in the VAB to face East, so steering can be done with the up and down controls, and maneuvers are going to be more intuitive in orbit. If the hatch of the Command Pod, or the Cupola, or the label of the Probe Core is facing you (West) in the VAB, it is in the correct position.

When you save a module as a Subassembly, it will always be inserted facing North (hatch facing South), so you should rotate it 90 degrees with “Q”.


Turn off expansion animation

By default Protective Shells open when you mouse over them. It is designed to reveal their cargo, but can be unnecessary when used as custom aerodynamic nose cones. To temporarily disable the animation

  • Right-click the fairing and click the Fairing Expansion button to turn it off.

Edit the fairing

  • To edit the shape of the fairing, click the Edit Fairing button.

Flight abort

To safely abort a flight assign actions to the Abort action group. When you click the abort handle next to the altimeter or press the Backspace key the action group items will be executed. To open the parachute, press the space bar multiple times to advance through the staging sequence.

  • Select Action to create an Action Group
  • Select the Abort action group
  • Click the coupler under the pod
  • Add the Decouple action to the group
  • Select all liquid engines
  • And add their Shutdown Engine actions to the group
  • Select the engine of the upper stage in the fairing and add the Shutdown Engine action to the group

  • Select the radial decouplers of the solid rocket boosters. If placed with symmetry, it is enough to select one of them.
  • Add the Decouple action to the group

Propulsion design

To reach celestial bodies you need to provide the necessary Delta V to the mass of your spacecraft with your engines.

This cheat sheet, by Vaier from, can help to calculate the necessary engine power.

Engine selection

Use the ISP value to select the right engine for the right environment. Some engines perform better at sea level (ASL), and some in a vacuum (Vac.)

For boosters, use the engine designed for both, ASL and Vac.

For orbiters, use the engine designed for vacuum


To check the delta-v of the vessel, first, open the Delta-v panel at the bottom of the screen, and select Vacuum. Make sure NOT to add the orbital stage value to the booster stage’s Delta-v. Temporarily you can reduce the thrust of the upper stage engines to zero to use the red total value at the bottom, but don’t forget to turn them on again.

Trust weight ratio

The optimal thrust-to-weight ratio for boosters is around 1.5 – 3. Once in orbit, less than 1 is enough for speed changes. The less the TWR, the longer burn is needed.

  • To display the thrust-to-weight ratio click the orange tab of the stage.

Typical TWRs

Sea level: 1.3 – 1.35

Upper stage booster: 2.05 – 2.15

Orbital vehicles: below 1 is fine


We can save modules of the spacecraft as subassemblies. We can build a complete space station in the VAB, select modules connected by docking ports, and save them as subassemblies. To launch the modules individually, we load a spacecraft to launch it, and place the module on top of it from the subassembly list.

  • In the Vehicle Assembly Building enable Advanced mode
  • Click the Subassemblies button
  • Left-click the docking port of the module and release the mouse button to grab it.
  • As the mouse still moves the module click the Subassembly Drop Zone with the left mouse button.
  • The subassembly save dialog opens, enter a name and description


Autostruts are struts, but can automatically be attached to three relative parts:

  • Heaviest Part (WARNING this can change as fuel is used up during flight, and as a result of docking)
  • Root part (the first part of the vessel construction)
  • Grandparent Part (for a solid fuel booster attached to a fuel tank with a radial coupler, the fuel tank is the grandparent part)

To see autostruts, enable the visibility in the Debug menu, see Visualize Autostruts

You can add autostruts to vessels in orbit:

  • Right-click the part and cycle through the autostrut attachment options by clicking the Autostrut button. In this example we have selected the Root Part

WARNING: It can cause wobbling in large structures, like space stations.

More information

The Kerbal Space Program wiki provides great information on spacecraft building and control.

Challah with raisins


  • 18 oz. (500 g) all-purpose flour
  • 3.5 oz. (100 g) bread flour if you use yeast
  • 6.3 oz. (180 g) sourdough starter, or 1 packet (0.25 oz., 7 g) active dry yeast, or 0.9 oz. (25 g) fresh yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar to rise the yeast
  • 5 – 6.75 fl. oz. (150 – 200 ml) 2% low-fat milk
  • 6.75 fl. oz. (200 ml) heavy whipping cream
  • 3 – 4 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk
  • 1 whole egg at the end to brush the challah with it before you bake it
  • Raisins are optional (but recommended) approximately 1 cup
  • You can also add cocoa powder to half of the strands.


If you use yeast, mix the yeast and 1 tsp sugar in 5 fl. oz. (1.5 dl) lukewarm milk and let it rise.

Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, and sugar, and mix it. We make a well in the middle, and pour heavy whipping cream, egg, yolk, starter, and the 5 fl. oz. (150 ml) milk. We can add more milk if our dough is very hard during kneading.

We begin to knead. When it has pretty much come together into a ball, we put it out on the board and work out the dough thoroughly. It is good if our dough has a nice smooth, shiny surface and does not stick to the board.

Put in a bowl, cover it, and let it rise

  • with starter 4-5 hours
  • with yeast 3-4 hours

or put it in the fridge overnight.

Then cut into 4 or 8 identical pieces, depending on whether you want to bake one or two challahs. Add the raisins as you roll up the pieces one by one, cover them again and leave them to rest for 15 minutes.

After resting roll strands of the same length from the dough.

Braid the challah.

We lay it on baking paper and immediately brush it with a whole beaten egg. Make sure that the egg does not trickle between the braids. We now let our dough rise for about half an hour.

In the meantime preheat the oven to 375 Fahrenheit (190 Celsius). Brush the challah with the beaten eggs again, and you may sprinkle it with poppy seeds. Put it in the hot oven. After 10 minutes of baking, reduce the heat to 350 Fahrenheit (175 Celsius) degrees. The total baking time for smaller challah is about 30-35 minutes, and for the large challah is 40-45 minutes in total.

SnowRunner – Taymyr (spoiler)

Drowned Lands

Where to find cargo

Railway StationCargo container (2 slots)
Oil barrels (1 slot)
Cement (1 slot)
Service spare parts (1 slot)
WarehouseMetal beams (2 slots)
Vehicle spare parts (1 slot)


Where to find cargo

QuarryConcrete slabs (2 slots)


Clearing The WayMetal beams x2Fallen tower (North)
Off-RoaderTruck repaired and refueledNorthService HubThe Service Hub location on the Quarry map is revealed when the truck is repaired and refueled.

SnowRunner cheats and mods



SnowRunner task and contract information with interactive maps at


There are many SnowRunner mods available to enhance the game experience.

An extensive mod collection is at

Interesting mods

Install the Node.js development tools


NPM is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. Install it to be able to install other applications too using Node.js.

On macOS

  • In the terminal execute
brew install node

On Windows

  • Download the 64 bit version of the Windows Installer (.msi) from
  • Start the installation
  • On the Tools and Native Modules select Automatically install the necessary tools
  • Press the Enter key to build the Node.js native modules
  • Press enter again to accept the license
  • Allow PowerShell to execute the scripts
  • When you see the message
    Packages requiring reboot: …
    press enter to close the window and reboot the computer

In case of errors

  • Run the Install Additional Tools for Node.js from the Start Menu to complete the failed installation

Install software development tools on Macintosh

There are tools and utilities software developers use to write, test and deploy code. These are some of them to make our life easier.

Commonly used applications

Text Editor

Visual Studio Code


  1. Download it from
  2. Double click the downloaded ZIP file to extract the application,
  3. Drag the Atom application into Applications

Configure Atom

See Atom text editor configuration

Terminal Window


Install iTerm2, a smart terminal emulator to issue Bash commands and log into Linux servers.

See Install and configure iTerm2


See Install Git on Macintosh

Install JQ

JQ is a JSON command line tool to read, write and convert data to an from JSON.

brew install jq

JSON in the browser

To automatically pretty print JSON responses in Chrome

Remote Desktop Client

Download the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the App Store

  1. Open the App Store
  2. Search for “microsoft remote desktop”
  3. Click the Microsoft Remote Desktop icon
  4. Click the blue Get button
  5. Click the green Install App button

Docker Desktop

Kubernetes cluster management


OpenLens is the open source (free) version of the Lens application. Muhammed Kalkan provides binary builds and installation instructions on his GitHub page at ttps://

The simplest is to install OpenLens with Brew using his builds:

brew install --cask openlens

Nice to have utilities

Window Manager


Rectangle is a window management app based on Spectacle, written in Swift.
Installation instructions are at

  1. Install Rectangle with
    brew install --cask rectangle
  2. Configure iTerm for better resizing behavior with
    defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 DisableWindowSizeSnap -integer 1

Comparison tools


Smart diff visualizer that highlights the parts of the line that changed

  1. Install it
    brew install diff-so-fancy
  2. Configure Git to use it as the default diff tool
    git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX"

Install the database management tools

Working with Windows servers from the Mac

If you want to work with Windows servers, you may need to run Windows applications on

Memory usage monitor

  1. Download  Dr. Cleaner Elite from the App Store to be able to monitor memory, CPU and network usage from the Menu Bar.

Install the DevOps development tools on Macintosh


The Amazon Web Services command line interface installation will set up your workstation to launch instances in AWS from Test Kitchen. If you know you will work with AWS, see DevOps Engineering part 3. – Working with AWS for the AWS CLI installation.

Chef Development Kit

Terraform by Hashicorp

 Terraform Installation

  • Open a terminal window and execute
    brew install terraform

Vault CLI

Install the Vault CLI from

Currently the command to install Vault is 

sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/bin
brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/vault

SQL Command

To be able to execute Microsoft SQL commands from the command line or through Terraform, install the MS SQL utility

  1. Install NPM, the JavaScript package manager
    brew install node
  2. Install SQL CLI
    npm install -g sql-cli
  3. Check the installation by displaying the version information
    mssql --version

More information on the tool is at

Rarely used tools


We use Packer to create custom AWS AMIs that contain the fundamental configuration and applications that are common in every instance we launch.

Install Packer


Graphviz is a Dependency Graph Visualization Software. We will use this utility to display the Terraform graphs.

To install execute the following in the terminal

brew install graphviz


For the VirtualBox installation on your operating system see: VirtualBox


For Vagrant installation see Vagrant.


Ruby is already a part of the operating system.